Source code for recommenders.utils.notebook_utils

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import os
import re
import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
from IPython.display import display

NOTEBOOK_OUTPUT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/notebook_utils.json+json"

[docs] def is_jupyter(): """Check if the module is running on Jupyter notebook/console. Returns: bool: True if the module is running on Jupyter notebook or Jupyter console, False otherwise. """ try: shell_name = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell_name == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True else: return False except NameError: return False
[docs] def is_databricks(): """Check if the module is running on Databricks. Returns: bool: True if the module is running on Databricks notebook, False otherwise. """ try: if os.path.realpath(".") == "/databricks/driver": return True else: return False except NameError: return False
def _update_parameters(parameter_cell_source, new_parameters): """Replace parameter values in the cell source code.""" modified_cell_source = parameter_cell_source for param, new_value in new_parameters.items(): if ( isinstance(new_value, str) and not (new_value.startswith('"') and new_value.endswith('"')) and not (new_value.startswith("'") and new_value.endswith("'")) ): # Check if the new value is a string and surround it with quotes if necessary new_value = f'"{new_value}"' # Define a regular expression pattern to match parameter assignments and ignore comments pattern = re.compile(rf"(\b{param})\s*=\s*([^#\n]+)(?:#.*$)?", re.MULTILINE) modified_cell_source = pattern.sub(rf"\1 = {new_value}", modified_cell_source) return modified_cell_source
[docs] def execute_notebook( input_notebook, output_notebook, parameters={}, kernel_name="python3", timeout=2200 ): """Execute a notebook while passing parameters to it. Note: Ensure your Jupyter Notebook is set up with parameters that can be modified and read. Use Markdown cells to specify parameters that need modification and code cells to set parameters that need to be read. Args: input_notebook (str): Path to the input notebook. output_notebook (str): Path to the output notebook parameters (dict): Dictionary of parameters to pass to the notebook. kernel_name (str): Kernel name. timeout (int): Timeout (in seconds) for each cell to execute. """ # Load the Jupyter Notebook with open(input_notebook, "r") as notebook_file: notebook_content =, as_version=4) # Search for and replace parameter values in code cells for cell in notebook_content.cells: if ( "tags" in cell.metadata and "parameters" in cell.metadata["tags"] and cell.cell_type == "code" ): # Update the cell's source within notebook_content cell.source = _update_parameters(cell.source, parameters) # Create an execution preprocessor execute_preprocessor = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=timeout, kernel_name=kernel_name) # Execute the notebook executed_notebook, _ = execute_preprocessor.preprocess( notebook_content, {"metadata": {"path": "./"}} ) # Save the executed notebook with open(output_notebook, "w", encoding="utf-8") as executed_notebook_file: nbformat.write(executed_notebook, executed_notebook_file)
[docs] def store_metadata(name, value): """Store data in the notebook's output source code. Args: name (str): Name of the data. value (int,float,str): Value of the data. """ metadata = {"notebook_utils": {"name": name, "data": True, "display": False}} data_json = { "application/notebook_utils.json+json": { "name": name, "data": value, "encoder": "json", } } display(data_json, metadata=metadata, raw=True)
[docs] def read_notebook(path): """Read the metadata stored in the notebook's output source code. Args: path (str): Path to the notebook. Returns: dict: Dictionary of data stored in the notebook. """ # Load the Jupyter Notebook with open(path, "r") as notebook_file: notebook_content =, as_version=4) # Search for parameters and store them in a dictionary results = {} for cell in notebook_content.cells: if cell.cell_type == "code" and "outputs" in cell: for outputs in cell.outputs: if "metadata" in outputs and "notebook_utils" in outputs.metadata: name =[NOTEBOOK_OUTPUT_CONTENT_TYPE]["name"] data =[NOTEBOOK_OUTPUT_CONTENT_TYPE]["data"] results[name] = data return results