Source code for recommenders.models.surprise.surprise_utils

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from recommenders.utils.constants import (
from recommenders.utils.general_utils import invert_dictionary

[docs] def surprise_trainset_to_df( trainset, col_user="uid", col_item="iid", col_rating="rating" ): """Converts a `surprise.Trainset` object to `pandas.DataFrame` More info: Args: trainset (object): A surprise.Trainset object. col_user (str): User column name. col_item (str): Item column name. col_rating (str): Rating column name. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe with user column (str), item column (str), and rating column (float). """ df = pd.DataFrame(trainset.all_ratings(), columns=[col_user, col_item, col_rating]) map_user = ( trainset._inner2raw_id_users if trainset._inner2raw_id_users is not None else invert_dictionary(trainset._raw2inner_id_users) ) map_item = ( trainset._inner2raw_id_items if trainset._inner2raw_id_items is not None else invert_dictionary(trainset._raw2inner_id_items) ) df[col_user] = df[col_user].map(map_user) df[col_item] = df[col_item].map(map_item) return df
[docs] def predict( algo, data, usercol=DEFAULT_USER_COL, itemcol=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, predcol=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Computes predictions of an algorithm from Surprise on the data. Can be used for computing rating metrics like RMSE. Args: algo (surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase): an algorithm from Surprise data (pandas.DataFrame): the data on which to predict usercol (str): name of the user column itemcol (str): name of the item column Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Dataframe with usercol, itemcol, predcol """ predictions = [ algo.predict(getattr(row, usercol), getattr(row, itemcol)) for row in data.itertuples() ] predictions = pd.DataFrame(predictions) predictions = predictions.rename( index=str, columns={"uid": usercol, "iid": itemcol, "est": predcol} ) return predictions.drop(["details", "r_ui"], axis="columns")
[docs] def compute_ranking_predictions( algo, data, usercol=DEFAULT_USER_COL, itemcol=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, predcol=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, remove_seen=False, ): """Computes predictions of an algorithm from Surprise on all users and items in data. It can be used for computing ranking metrics like NDCG. Args: algo (surprise.prediction_algorithms.algo_base.AlgoBase): an algorithm from Surprise data (pandas.DataFrame): the data from which to get the users and items usercol (str): name of the user column itemcol (str): name of the item column remove_seen (bool): flag to remove (user, item) pairs seen in the training data Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Dataframe with usercol, itemcol, predcol """ preds_lst = [] users = data[usercol].unique() items = data[itemcol].unique() for user in users: for item in items: preds_lst.append([user, item, algo.predict(user, item).est]) all_predictions = pd.DataFrame(data=preds_lst, columns=[usercol, itemcol, predcol]) if remove_seen: tempdf = pd.concat( [ data[[usercol, itemcol]], pd.DataFrame( data=np.ones(data.shape[0]), columns=["dummycol"], index=data.index ), ], axis=1, ) merged = pd.merge(tempdf, all_predictions, on=[usercol, itemcol], how="outer") return merged[merged["dummycol"].isnull()].drop("dummycol", axis=1) else: return all_predictions