Source code for recommenders.models.rbm.rbm

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RBM: """Restricted Boltzmann Machine"""
[docs] def __init__( self, possible_ratings, visible_units, hidden_units=500, keep_prob=0.7, init_stdv=0.1, learning_rate=0.004, minibatch_size=100, training_epoch=20, display_epoch=10, sampling_protocol=[50, 70, 80, 90, 100], debug=False, with_metrics=False, seed=42, ): """Implementation of a multinomial Restricted Boltzmann Machine for collaborative filtering in numpy/pandas/tensorflow Based on the article by Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Andriy Mnih and Geoffrey Hinton In this implementation we use multinomial units instead of the one-hot-encoded used in the paper. This means that the weights are rank 2 (matrices) instead of rank 3 tensors. Basic mechanics: 1) A computational graph is created when the RBM class is instantiated. For an item based recommender this consists of: visible units: The number n_visible of visible units equals the number of items hidden units : hyperparameter to fix during training 2) Gibbs Sampling: 2.1) for each training epoch, the visible units are first clamped on the data 2.2) The activation probability of the hidden units, given a linear combination of the visibles, is evaluated P(h=1|phi_v). The latter is then used to sample the value of the hidden units. 2.3) The probability P(v=l|phi_h) is evaluated, where l=1,..,r are the ratings (e.g. r=5 for the movielens dataset). In general, this is a multinomial distribution, from which we sample the value of v. 2.4) This step is repeated k times, where k increases as optimization converges. It is essential to fix to zero the original unrated items during the all learning process. 3) Optimization: The free energy of the visible units given the hidden is evaluated at the beginning (F_0) and after k steps of Bernoulli sampling (F_k). The weights and biases are updated by minimizing the differene F_0 - F_k. 4) Inference: Once the joint probability distribution P(v,h) is learned, this is used to generate ratings for unrated items for all users """ # RBM parameters self.n_hidden = hidden_units # number of hidden units self.keep = keep_prob # keep probability for dropout regularization # standard deviation used to initialize the weights matrices self.stdv = init_stdv # learning rate used in the update method of the optimizer self.learning_rate = learning_rate # size of the minibatch used in the random minibatches training; setting to 1 corresponds to # stochastic gradient descent, and it is considerably slower. Good performance is achieved # for a size of ~100. self.minibatch = minibatch_size self.epochs = training_epoch + 1 # number of epochs used to train the model # number of epochs to show the mse error during training self.display_epoch = display_epoch # protocol to increase Gibbs sampling's step. Array containing the # percentage of the total training epoch when the step increases by 1 self.sampling_protocol = sampling_protocol # if true, functions print their control paramters and/or outputs self.debug = debug # if true, compute msre and accuracy during training self.with_metrics = with_metrics # Seed self.seed = seed np.random.seed(self.seed) tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(self.seed) self.n_visible = visible_units # number of items tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph() # ----------------------Initializers------------------------------------- # create a sorted list of all the unique ratings (of float type) self.possible_ratings = possible_ratings # create a lookup table to map integer indices to float ratings self.ratings_lookup_table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable( tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer( tf.constant(list(range(len(self.possible_ratings))), dtype=tf.int32), tf.constant(list(self.possible_ratings), dtype=tf.float32), ), default_value=0, ) self.generate_graph() self.init_metrics() self.init_gpu() init_graph = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer() # Start TF training session on default graph self.sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=self.config_gpu)
[docs] def binomial_sampling(self, pr): """Binomial sampling of hidden units activations using a rejection method. Basic mechanics: 1) Extract a random number from a uniform distribution (g) and compare it with the unit's probability (pr) 2) Choose 0 if pr<g, 1 otherwise. It is convenient to implement this condtion using the relu function. Args: pr (tf.Tensor, float32): Input conditional probability. g (numpy.ndarray, float32): Uniform probability used for comparison. Returns: tf.Tensor: Float32 tensor of sampled units. The value is 1 if pr>g and 0 otherwise. """ # sample from a Bernoulli distribution with same dimensions as input distribution g = tf.convert_to_tensor( value=np.random.uniform(size=pr.shape[1]), dtype=tf.float32 ) # sample the value of the hidden units h_sampled = tf.nn.relu(tf.sign(pr - g)) return h_sampled
[docs] def multinomial_sampling(self, pr): """Multinomial Sampling of ratings Basic mechanics: For r classes, we sample r binomial distributions using the rejection method. This is possible since each class is statistically independent from the other. Note that this is the same method used in numpy's random.multinomial() function. 1) extract a size r array of random numbers from a uniform distribution (g). As pr is normalized, we need to normalize g as well. 2) For each user and item, compare pr with the reference distribution. Note that the latter needs to be the same for ALL the user/item pairs in the dataset, as by assumptions they are sampled from a common distribution. Args: pr (tf.Tensor, float32): A distributions of shape (m, n, r), where m is the number of examples, n the number of features and r the number of classes. pr needs to be normalized, i.e. sum_k p(k) = 1 for all m, at fixed n. f (tf.Tensor, float32): Normalized, uniform probability used for comparison. Returns: tf.Tensor: An (m,n) float32 tensor of sampled rankings from 1 to r. """ g = np.random.uniform(size=pr.shape[2]) # sample from a uniform distribution f = tf.convert_to_tensor( value=g / g.sum(), dtype=tf.float32 ) # normalize and convert to tensor samp = tf.nn.relu(tf.sign(pr - f)) # apply rejection method # get integer index of the rating to be sampled v_argmax = tf.cast(tf.argmax(input=samp, axis=2), "int32") # lookup the rating using integer index v_samp = tf.cast(self.ratings_lookup_table.lookup(v_argmax), "float32") return v_samp
[docs] def multinomial_distribution(self, phi): """Probability that unit v has value l given phi: P(v=l|phi) Args: phi (tf.Tensor): linear combination of values of the previous layer r (float): rating scale, corresponding to the number of classes Returns: tf.Tensor: - A tensor of shape (r, m, Nv): This needs to be reshaped as (m, Nv, r) in the last step to allow for faster sampling when used in the multinomial function. """ numerator = [ tf.exp(tf.multiply(tf.constant(k, dtype="float32"), phi)) for k in self.possible_ratings ] denominator = tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=numerator, axis=0) prob = tf.compat.v1.div(numerator, denominator) return tf.transpose(a=prob, perm=[1, 2, 0])
[docs] def free_energy(self, x): """Free energy of the visible units given the hidden units. Since the sum is over the hidden units' states, the functional form of the visible units Free energy is the same as the one for the binary model. Args: x (tf.Tensor): This can be either the sampled value of the visible units (v_k) or the input data Returns: tf.Tensor: Free energy of the model. """ bias = -tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.matmul(x, tf.transpose( phi_x = tf.matmul(x, self.w) + f = -tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.nn.softplus(phi_x)) F = bias + f # free energy density per training example return F
[docs] def placeholder(self): """Initialize the placeholders for the visible units""" = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( shape=[None, self.n_visible], dtype="float32" )
[docs] def init_parameters(self): """Initialize the parameters of the model. This is a single layer model with two biases. So we have a rectangular matrix w_{ij} and two bias vectors to initialize. Args: n_visible (int): number of visible units (input layer) n_hidden (int): number of hidden units (latent variables of the model) Returns: tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor: - `w` of size (n_visible, n_hidden): correlation matrix initialized by sampling from a normal distribution with zero mean and given variance init_stdv. - `bv` of size (1, n_visible): visible units' bias, initialized to zero. - `bh` of size (1, n_hidden): hidden units' bias, initiliazed to zero. """ with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("Network_parameters"): self.w = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "weight", [self.n_visible, self.n_hidden], initializer=tf.compat.v1.random_normal_initializer( stddev=self.stdv, seed=self.seed ), dtype="float32", ) = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "v_bias", [1, self.n_visible], initializer=tf.compat.v1.zeros_initializer(), dtype="float32", ) = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "h_bias", [1, self.n_hidden], initializer=tf.compat.v1.zeros_initializer(), dtype="float32", )
[docs] def sample_hidden_units(self, vv): """Sampling: In RBM we use Contrastive divergence to sample the parameter space. In order to do that we need to initialize the two conditional probabilities: P(h|phi_v) --> returns the probability that the i-th hidden unit is active P(v|phi_h) --> returns the probability that the i-th visible unit is active Sample hidden units given the visibles. This can be thought of as a Forward pass step in a FFN Args: vv (tf.Tensor, float32): visible units Returns: tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor: - `phv`: The activation probability of the hidden unit. - `h_`: The sampled value of the hidden unit from a Bernoulli distributions having success probability `phv`. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope("sample_hidden_units"): phi_v = tf.matmul(vv, self.w) + # create a linear combination phv = tf.nn.sigmoid(phi_v) # conditional probability of h given v phv_reg = tf.nn.dropout(phv, 1 - (self.keep)) # Sampling h_ = self.binomial_sampling( phv_reg ) # obtain the value of the hidden units via Bernoulli sampling return phv, h_
[docs] def sample_visible_units(self, h): """Sample the visible units given the hiddens. This can be thought of as a Backward pass in a FFN (negative phase). Each visible unit can take values in [1,rating], while the zero is reserved for missing data; as such the value of the hidden unit is sampled from a multinomial distribution. Basic mechanics: 1) For every training example we first sample Nv Multinomial distributions. The result is of the form [0,1,0,0,0,...,0] where the index of the 1 element corresponds to the rth rating. The index is extracted using the argmax function and we need to add 1 at the end since array indeces starts from 0. 2) Selects only those units that have been sampled. During the training phase it is important to not use the reconstructed inputs, so we beed to enforce a zero value in the reconstructed ratings in the same position as the original input. Args: h (tf.Tensor, float32): visible units. Returns: tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor: - `pvh`: The activation probability of the visible unit given the hidden. - `v_`: The sampled value of the visible unit from a Multinomial distributions having success probability `pvh`. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope("sample_visible_units"): phi_h = tf.matmul(h, tf.transpose(a=self.w)) + # linear combination pvh = self.multinomial_distribution( phi_h ) # conditional probability of v given h # Sampling (modify here ) v_tmp = self.multinomial_sampling( pvh ) # sample the value of the visible units mask = tf.equal(self.v, 0) # selects the inactive units in the input vector v_ = tf.compat.v1.where( mask, x=self.v, y=v_tmp ) # enforce inactive units in the reconstructed vector return pvh, v_
[docs] def gibbs_sampling(self): """Gibbs sampling: Determines an estimate of the model configuration via sampling. In the binary RBM we need to impose that unseen movies stay as such, i.e. the sampling phase should not modify the elements where v=0. Args: k (scalar, integer): iterator. Number of sampling steps. v (tf.Tensor, float32): visible units. Returns: tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor: - `h_k`: The sampled value of the hidden unit at step k, float32. - `v_k`: The sampled value of the visible unit at step k, float32. """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope("gibbs_sampling"): self.v_k = ( self.v ) # initialize the value of the visible units at step k=0 on the data if self.debug: print("CD step", self.k) for i in range(self.k): # k_sampling _, h_k = self.sample_hidden_units(self.v_k) _, self.v_k = self.sample_visible_units(h_k)
[docs] def losses(self, vv): """Calculate contrastive divergence, which is the difference between the free energy clamped on the data (v) and the model Free energy (v_k). Args: vv (tf.Tensor, float32): empirical input Returns: obj: contrastive divergence """ with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("losses"): obj = self.free_energy(vv) - self.free_energy(self.v_k) return obj
[docs] def gibbs_protocol(self, i): """Gibbs protocol. Basic mechanics: If the current epoch i is in the interval specified in the training protocol, the number of steps in Gibbs sampling (k) is incremented by one and gibbs_sampling is updated accordingly. Args: i (int): Current epoch in the loop """ with tf.compat.v1.name_scope("gibbs_protocol"): epoch_percentage = ( i / self.epochs ) * 100 # current percentage of the total #epochs if epoch_percentage != 0: if ( epoch_percentage >= self.sampling_protocol[self.l] and epoch_percentage <= self.sampling_protocol[self.l + 1] ): self.k += 1 self.l += 1 # noqa: E741 ambiguous variable name 'l' self.gibbs_sampling() if self.debug:"percentage of epochs covered so far %f2" % (epoch_percentage))
[docs] def data_pipeline(self): """Define the data pipeline""" # placeholder for the batch_size self.batch_size = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.int64) # Create the data pipeline for faster training self.dataset = self.dataset = self.dataset.shuffle( buffer_size=50, reshuffle_each_iteration=True, seed=self.seed ) # randomize the batch self.dataset = self.dataset.batch(batch_size=self.batch_size).repeat() # define iterator self.iter = self.v = self.iter.get_next()
[docs] def init_metrics(self): """Initialize metrics""" if self.with_metrics: # if true (default) returns evaluation metrics self.rmse = tf.sqrt( tf.compat.v1.losses.mean_squared_error( self.v, self.v_k, weights=tf.where(self.v > 0, 1, 0) ) )
[docs] def generate_graph(self): """Call the different RBM modules to generate the computational graph""""Creating the computational graph") self.placeholder() # create the visible units placeholder self.data_pipeline() # data_pipeline self.init_parameters() # initialize Network parameters # --------------Initialize protocol for Gibbs sampling------------------"Initialize Gibbs protocol") self.k = 1 # initialize the G_sampling step # initialize epoch_sample index self.l = 0 # noqa: E741 ambiguous variable name 'l' self.gibbs_sampling() # returns the sampled value of the visible units # ---Instantiate loss function and optimizer---------------------------- obj = self.losses(self.v) # objective function rate = ( self.learning_rate / self.minibatch ) # learning rate rescaled by the batch size self.opt = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=rate).minimize( loss=obj ) # Instantiate the optimizer
[docs] def init_gpu(self): """Config GPU memory""" self.config_gpu = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto( log_device_placement=False, allow_soft_placement=True ) self.config_gpu.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # dynamic memory allocation
[docs] def init_training_session(self, xtr): """Initialize the TF session on training data Args: xtr (numpy.ndarray, int32): The user/affinity matrix for the train set. """ self.iter.initializer, feed_dict={ xtr, self.batch_size: self.minibatch}, )
[docs] def batch_training(self, num_minibatches): """Perform training over input minibatches. If `self.with_metrics` is False, no online metrics are evaluated. Args: num_minibatches (scalar, int32): Number of training minibatches. Returns: float: Training error per single epoch. If `self.with_metrics` is False, this is zero. """ epoch_tr_err = 0 # initialize the training error for each epoch to zero # minibatch loop for _ in range(num_minibatches): if self.with_metrics: _, batch_err =[self.opt, self.rmse]) # average msr error per minibatch epoch_tr_err += batch_err / num_minibatches else: _ = return epoch_tr_err
[docs] def fit(self, xtr): """Fit method Training in generative models takes place in two steps: 1) Gibbs sampling 2) Gradient evaluation and parameters update This estimate is later used in the weight update step by minimizing the distance between the model and the empirical free energy. Note that while the unit's configuration space is sampled, the weights are determined via maximum likelihood (saddle point). Main component of the algo; once instantiated, it generates the computational graph and performs model training Args: xtr (numpy.ndarray, integers): the user/affinity matrix for the train set xtst (numpy.ndarray, integers): the user/affinity matrix for the test set """ # keep the position of the items in the train set so that they can be optionally exluded from recommendation self.seen_mask = np.not_equal(xtr, 0) n_users = xtr.shape[0] num_minibatches = int(n_users / self.minibatch) # number of minibatches self.init_training_session(xtr) rmse_train = [] # List to collect the metrics across epochs # start loop over training epochs for i in range(self.epochs): self.gibbs_protocol(i) # Gibbs sampling update epoch_tr_err = self.batch_training(num_minibatches) # model train if self.with_metrics and i % self.display_epoch == 0:"training epoch %i rmse %f" % (i, epoch_tr_err)) rmse_train.append(epoch_tr_err) # mse training error per training epoch self.rmse_train = rmse_train
[docs] def eval_out(self): """Implement multinomial sampling from a trained model""" # Sampling _, h = self.sample_hidden_units( # sample h # sample v phi_h = ( tf.transpose(a=tf.matmul(self.w, tf.transpose(a=h))) + ) # linear combination pvh = self.multinomial_distribution( phi_h ) # conditional probability of v given h v = self.multinomial_sampling(pvh) # sample the value of the visible units return v, pvh
[docs] def recommend_k_items(self, x, top_k=10, remove_seen=True): """Returns the top-k items ordered by a relevancy score. Basic mechanics: The method samples new ratings from the learned joint distribution, together with their probabilities. The input x must have the same number of columns as the one used for training the model (i.e. the same number of items) but it can have an arbitrary number of rows (users). A recommendation score is evaluated by taking the element-wise product between the ratings and the associated probabilities. For example, we could have the following situation: .. code-block:: python rating probability score item1 5 0.5 2.5 item2 4 0.8 3.2 then item2 will be recommended. Args: x (numpy.ndarray, int32): input user/affinity matrix. Note that this can be a single vector, i.e. the ratings of a single user. top_k (scalar, int32): the number of items to recommend. Returns: numpy.ndarray, float: - A sparse matrix containing the top_k elements ordered by their score. - The time taken to recommend k items. """ # evaluate the ratings and the associated probabilities v_, pvh_ = self.eval_out() # evaluate v_ and pvh_ on the input data vp, pvh =[v_, pvh_], feed_dict={ x}) # returns only the probabilities for the predicted ratings in vp pv = np.max(pvh, axis=2) # evaluate the score score = np.multiply(vp, pv) # ----------------------Return the results as a P dataframe------------------------------------"Extracting top %i elements" % top_k) if remove_seen: # if true, it removes items from the train set by setting them to zero vp[self.seen_mask] = 0 pv[self.seen_mask] = 0 score[self.seen_mask] = 0 top_items = np.argpartition(-score, range(top_k), axis=1)[ :, :top_k ] # get the top k items score_c = score.copy() # get a copy of the score matrix score_c[ np.arange(score_c.shape[0])[:, None], top_items ] = 0 # set to zero the top_k elements top_scores = score - score_c # set to zeros all elements other then the top_k return top_scores
[docs] def predict(self, x): """Returns the inferred ratings. This method is similar to recommend_k_items() with the exceptions that it returns all the inferred ratings Basic mechanics: The method samples new ratings from the learned joint distribution, together with their probabilities. The input x must have the same number of columns as the one used for training the model, i.e. the same number of items, but it can have an arbitrary number of rows (users). Args: x (numpy.ndarray, int32): Input user/affinity matrix. Note that this can be a single vector, i.e. the ratings of a single user. Returns: numpy.ndarray, float: - A matrix with the inferred ratings. - The elapsed time for predediction. """ v_, _ = self.eval_out() # evaluate the ratings and the associated probabilities vp =, feed_dict={ x}) return vp
[docs] def save(self, file_path="./rbm_model.ckpt"): """Save model parameters to `file_path` This function saves the current tensorflow session to a specified path. Args: file_path (str): output file path for the RBM model checkpoint we will create a new directory if not existing. """ f_path = Path(file_path) dir_name, file_name = f_path.parent, # create the directory if it does not exist os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) # save trained model saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(), os.path.join(dir_name, file_name))
[docs] def load(self, file_path="./rbm_model.ckpt"): """Load model parameters for further use. This function loads a saved tensorflow session. Args: file_path (str): file path for RBM model checkpoint """ f_path = Path(file_path) dir_name, file_name = f_path.parent, # load pre-trained model saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, os.path.join(dir_name, file_name))