Source code for recommenders.models.lightfm.lightfm_utils

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

from lightfm.evaluation import precision_at_k, recall_at_k

[docs] def model_perf_plots(df): """Function to plot model performance metrics. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): Dataframe in tidy format, with ['epoch','level','value'] columns Returns: object: matplotlib axes """ g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col="metric", hue="stage", col_wrap=2, sharey=False) g =, "epoch", "value").add_legend()
[docs] def compare_metric(df_list, metric="prec", stage="test"): """Function to combine and prepare list of dataframes into tidy format. Args: df_list (list): List of dataframes metrics (str): name of metric to be extracted, optional stage (str): name of model fitting stage to be extracted, optional Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Metrics """ colnames = ["model" + str(x) for x in list(range(1, len(df_list) + 1))] models = [ df[(df["stage"] == stage) & (df["metric"] == metric)]["value"] .reset_index(drop=True) .values for df in df_list ] output = pd.DataFrame(zip(*models), columns=colnames).stack().reset_index() output.columns = ["epoch", "data", "value"] return output
[docs] def track_model_metrics( model, train_interactions, test_interactions, k=10, no_epochs=100, no_threads=8, show_plot=True, **kwargs ): """Function to record model's performance at each epoch, formats the performance into tidy format, plots the performance and outputs the performance data. Args: model (LightFM instance): fitted LightFM model train_interactions (scipy sparse COO matrix): train interactions set test_interactions (scipy sparse COO matrix): test interaction set k (int): number of recommendations, optional no_epochs (int): Number of epochs to run, optional no_threads (int): Number of parallel threads to use, optional **kwargs: other keyword arguments to be passed down Returns: pandas.DataFrame, LightFM model, matplotlib axes: - Performance traces of the fitted model - Fitted model - Side effect of the method """ # initialising temp data storage model_prec_train = [0] * no_epochs model_prec_test = [0] * no_epochs model_rec_train = [0] * no_epochs model_rec_test = [0] * no_epochs # fit model and store train/test metrics at each epoch for epoch in range(no_epochs): model.fit_partial( interactions=train_interactions, epochs=1, num_threads=no_threads, **kwargs ) model_prec_train[epoch] = precision_at_k( model, train_interactions, k=k, **kwargs ).mean() model_prec_test[epoch] = precision_at_k( model, test_interactions, k=k, **kwargs ).mean() model_rec_train[epoch] = recall_at_k( model, train_interactions, k=k, **kwargs ).mean() model_rec_test[epoch] = recall_at_k( model, test_interactions, k=k, **kwargs ).mean() # collect the performance metrics into a dataframe fitting_metrics = pd.DataFrame( zip(model_prec_train, model_prec_test, model_rec_train, model_rec_test), columns=[ "model_prec_train", "model_prec_test", "model_rec_train", "model_rec_test", ], ) # convert into tidy format fitting_metrics = fitting_metrics.stack().reset_index() fitting_metrics.columns = ["epoch", "level", "value"] # exact the labels for each observation fitting_metrics["stage"] = fitting_metrics.level.str.split("_").str[-1] fitting_metrics["metric"] = fitting_metrics.level.str.split("_").str[1] fitting_metrics.drop(["level"], axis=1, inplace=True) # replace the metric keys to improve visualisation metric_keys = {"prec": "Precision", "rec": "Recall"} fitting_metrics.metric.replace(metric_keys, inplace=True) # plots the performance data if show_plot: model_perf_plots(fitting_metrics) return fitting_metrics, model
[docs] def similar_users(user_id, user_features, model, N=10): """Function to return top N similar users based on Args: user_id (int): id of user to be used as reference user_features (scipy sparse CSR matrix): user feature matric model (LightFM instance): fitted LightFM model N (int): Number of top similar users to return Returns: pandas.DataFrame: top N most similar users with score """ _, user_representations = model.get_user_representations(features=user_features) # Cosine similarity scores =[user_id, :]) user_norms = np.linalg.norm(user_representations, axis=1) user_norms[user_norms == 0] = 1e-10 scores /= user_norms best = np.argpartition(scores, -(N + 1))[-(N + 1) :] return pd.DataFrame( sorted(zip(best, scores[best] / user_norms[user_id]), key=lambda x: -x[1])[1:], columns=["userID", "score"], )
[docs] def similar_items(item_id, item_features, model, N=10): """Function to return top N similar items based on Args: item_id (int): id of item to be used as reference item_features (scipy sparse CSR matrix): item feature matric model (LightFM instance): fitted LightFM model N (int): Number of top similar items to return Returns: pandas.DataFrame: top N most similar items with score """ _, item_representations = model.get_item_representations(features=item_features) # Cosine similarity scores =[item_id, :]) item_norms = np.linalg.norm(item_representations, axis=1) item_norms[item_norms == 0] = 1e-10 scores /= item_norms best = np.argpartition(scores, -(N + 1))[-(N + 1) :] return pd.DataFrame( sorted(zip(best, scores[best] / item_norms[item_id]), key=lambda x: -x[1])[1:], columns=["itemID", "score"], )
[docs] def prepare_test_df(test_idx, uids, iids, uid_map, iid_map, weights): """Function to prepare test df for evaluation Args: test_idx (slice): slice of test indices uids (numpy.ndarray): Array of internal user indices iids (numpy.ndarray): Array of internal item indices uid_map (dict): Keys to map internal user indices to external ids. iid_map (dict): Keys to map internal item indices to external ids. weights (numpy.float32 coo_matrix): user-item interaction Returns: pandas.DataFrame: user-item selected for testing """ test_df = pd.DataFrame( zip( uids[test_idx], iids[test_idx], [list(uid_map.keys())[x] for x in uids[test_idx]], [list(iid_map.keys())[x] for x in iids[test_idx]], ), columns=["uid", "iid", "userID", "itemID"], ) dok_weights = weights.todok() test_df["rating"] = test_df.apply(lambda x: dok_weights[x.uid, x.iid], axis=1) return test_df[["userID", "itemID", "rating"]]
[docs] def prepare_all_predictions( data, uid_map, iid_map, interactions, model, num_threads, user_features=None, item_features=None, ): """Function to prepare all predictions for evaluation. Args: data (pandas df): dataframe of all users, items and ratings as loaded uid_map (dict): Keys to map internal user indices to external ids. iid_map (dict): Keys to map internal item indices to external ids. interactions (np.float32 coo_matrix): user-item interaction model (LightFM instance): fitted LightFM model num_threads (int): number of parallel computation threads user_features (np.float32 csr_matrix): User weights over features item_features (np.float32 csr_matrix): Item weights over features Returns: pandas.DataFrame: all predictions """ users, items, preds = [], [], [] # noqa: F841 item = list(data.itemID.unique()) for user in data.userID.unique(): user = [user] * len(item) users.extend(user) items.extend(item) all_predictions = pd.DataFrame(data={"userID": users, "itemID": items}) all_predictions["uid"] = all_predictions["iid"] = dok_weights = interactions.todok() all_predictions["rating"] = all_predictions.apply( lambda x: dok_weights[x.uid, x.iid], axis=1 ) all_predictions = all_predictions[all_predictions.rating < 1].reset_index(drop=True) all_predictions = all_predictions.drop("rating", axis=1) all_predictions["prediction"] = all_predictions.apply( lambda x: model.predict( user_ids=np.array([x["uid"]], dtype=np.int32), item_ids=np.array([x["iid"]], dtype=np.int32), user_features=user_features, item_features=item_features, num_threads=num_threads, )[0], axis=1, ) return all_predictions[["userID", "itemID", "prediction"]]