Source code for recommenders.models.deeprec.models.sequential.sequential_base_model

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import os
import abc
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from recommenders.models.deeprec.models.base_model import BaseModel
from recommenders.models.deeprec.deeprec_utils import cal_metric, load_dict

__all__ = ["SequentialBaseModel"]

[docs] class SequentialBaseModel(BaseModel): """Base class for sequential models"""
[docs] def __init__(self, hparams, iterator_creator, graph=None, seed=None): """Initializing the model. Create common logics which are needed by all sequential models, such as loss function, parameter set. Args: hparams (HParams): A `HParams` object, hold the entire set of hyperparameters. iterator_creator (object): An iterator to load the data. graph (object): An optional graph. seed (int): Random seed. """ self.hparams = hparams self.need_sample = hparams.need_sample self.train_num_ngs = hparams.train_num_ngs if self.train_num_ngs is None: raise ValueError( "Please confirm the number of negative samples for each positive instance." ) self.min_seq_length = ( hparams.min_seq_length if "min_seq_length" in hparams.values() else 1 ) self.hidden_size = ( hparams.hidden_size if "hidden_size" in hparams.values() else None ) self.graph = tf.Graph() if not graph else graph with self.graph.as_default(): self.sequence_length = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( tf.int32, [None], name="sequence_length" ) super().__init__(hparams, iterator_creator, graph=self.graph, seed=seed)
@abc.abstractmethod def _build_seq_graph(self): """Subclass will implement this.""" pass def _build_graph(self): """The main function to create sequential models. Returns: object: the prediction score make by the model. """ hparams = self.hparams self.keep_prob_train = 1 - np.array(hparams.dropout) self.keep_prob_test = np.ones_like(hparams.dropout) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("sequential") as self.sequential_scope: self._build_embedding() self._lookup_from_embedding() model_output = self._build_seq_graph() logit = self._fcn_net(model_output, hparams.layer_sizes, scope="logit_fcn") self._add_norm() return logit
[docs] def fit( self, train_file, valid_file, valid_num_ngs, eval_metric="group_auc", ): """Fit the model with `train_file`. Evaluate the model on `valid_file` per epoch to observe the training status. If `test_file` is not None, evaluate it too. Args: train_file (str): training data set. valid_file (str): validation set. valid_num_ngs (int): the number of negative instances with one positive instance in validation data. eval_metric (str): the metric that control early stopping. e.g. "auc", "group_auc", etc. Returns: object: An instance of self. """ # check bad input. if not self.need_sample and self.train_num_ngs < 1: raise ValueError( "Please specify a positive integer of negative numbers for training without sampling needed." ) if valid_num_ngs < 1: raise ValueError( "Please specify a positive integer of negative numbers for validation." ) if self.need_sample and self.train_num_ngs < 1: self.train_num_ngs = 1 if self.hparams.write_tfevents and self.hparams.SUMMARIES_DIR: if not os.path.exists(self.hparams.SUMMARIES_DIR): os.makedirs(self.hparams.SUMMARIES_DIR) self.writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter( self.hparams.SUMMARIES_DIR, self.sess.graph ) train_sess = self.sess eval_info = list() best_metric, self.best_epoch = 0, 0 for epoch in range(1, self.hparams.epochs + 1): step = 0 self.hparams.current_epoch = epoch epoch_loss = 0 file_iterator = self.iterator.load_data_from_file( train_file, min_seq_length=self.min_seq_length, batch_num_ngs=self.train_num_ngs, ) for batch_data_input in file_iterator: if batch_data_input: step_result = self.train(train_sess, batch_data_input) (_, _, step_loss, step_data_loss, summary) = step_result if self.hparams.write_tfevents and self.hparams.SUMMARIES_DIR: self.writer.add_summary(summary, step) epoch_loss += step_loss step += 1 if step % self.hparams.show_step == 0: print( "step {0:d} , total_loss: {1:.4f}, data_loss: {2:.4f}".format( step, step_loss, step_data_loss ) ) valid_res = self.run_eval(valid_file, valid_num_ngs) print( "eval valid at epoch {0}: {1}".format( epoch, ",".join( [ "" + str(key) + ":" + str(value) for key, value in valid_res.items() ] ), ) ) eval_info.append((epoch, valid_res)) progress = False early_stop = self.hparams.EARLY_STOP if valid_res[eval_metric] > best_metric: best_metric = valid_res[eval_metric] self.best_epoch = epoch progress = True else: if early_stop > 0 and epoch - self.best_epoch >= early_stop: print("early stop at epoch {0}!".format(epoch)) break if self.hparams.save_model and self.hparams.MODEL_DIR: if not os.path.exists(self.hparams.MODEL_DIR): os.makedirs(self.hparams.MODEL_DIR) if progress: checkpoint_path = sess=train_sess, save_path=self.hparams.MODEL_DIR + "epoch_" + str(epoch), ) checkpoint_path = # noqa: F841 sess=train_sess, save_path=os.path.join(self.hparams.MODEL_DIR, "best_model"), ) if self.hparams.write_tfevents: self.writer.close() print(eval_info) print("best epoch: {0}".format(self.best_epoch)) return self
[docs] def run_eval(self, filename, num_ngs): """Evaluate the given file and returns some evaluation metrics. Args: filename (str): A file name that will be evaluated. num_ngs (int): The number of negative sampling for a positive instance. Returns: dict: A dictionary that contains evaluation metrics. """ load_sess = self.sess preds = [] labels = [] group_preds = [] group_labels = [] group = num_ngs + 1 for batch_data_input in self.iterator.load_data_from_file( filename, min_seq_length=self.min_seq_length, batch_num_ngs=0 ): if batch_data_input: step_pred, step_labels = self.eval(load_sess, batch_data_input) preds.extend(np.reshape(step_pred, -1)) labels.extend(np.reshape(step_labels, -1)) group_preds.extend(np.reshape(step_pred, (-1, group))) group_labels.extend(np.reshape(step_labels, (-1, group))) res = cal_metric(labels, preds, self.hparams.metrics) res_pairwise = cal_metric( group_labels, group_preds, self.hparams.pairwise_metrics ) res.update(res_pairwise) return res
[docs] def predict(self, infile_name, outfile_name): """Make predictions on the given data, and output predicted scores to a file. Args: infile_name (str): Input file name. outfile_name (str): Output file name. Returns: object: An instance of self. """ load_sess = self.sess with, "w") as wt: for batch_data_input in self.iterator.load_data_from_file( infile_name, batch_num_ngs=0 ): if batch_data_input: step_pred = self.infer(load_sess, batch_data_input) step_pred = np.reshape(step_pred, -1) wt.write("\n".join(map(str, step_pred))) wt.write("\n") return self
def _build_embedding(self): """The field embedding layer. Initialization of embedding variables.""" hparams = self.hparams self.user_vocab_length = len(load_dict(hparams.user_vocab)) self.item_vocab_length = len(load_dict(hparams.item_vocab)) self.cate_vocab_length = len(load_dict(hparams.cate_vocab)) self.user_embedding_dim = hparams.user_embedding_dim self.item_embedding_dim = hparams.item_embedding_dim self.cate_embedding_dim = hparams.cate_embedding_dim with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("embedding", initializer=self.initializer): self.user_lookup = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="user_embedding", shape=[self.user_vocab_length, self.user_embedding_dim], dtype=tf.float32, ) self.item_lookup = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="item_embedding", shape=[self.item_vocab_length, self.item_embedding_dim], dtype=tf.float32, ) self.cate_lookup = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="cate_embedding", shape=[self.cate_vocab_length, self.cate_embedding_dim], dtype=tf.float32, ) def _lookup_from_embedding(self): """Lookup from embedding variables. A dropout layer follows lookup operations.""" self.user_embedding = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.user_lookup, ids=self.iterator.users ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram("user_embedding_output", self.user_embedding) self.item_embedding = tf.compat.v1.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.item_lookup, ids=self.iterator.items ) self.item_history_embedding = tf.compat.v1.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.item_lookup, ids=self.iterator.item_history ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "item_history_embedding_output", self.item_history_embedding ) self.cate_embedding = tf.compat.v1.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.cate_lookup, ids=self.iterator.cates ) self.cate_history_embedding = tf.compat.v1.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.cate_lookup, ids=self.iterator.item_cate_history ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "cate_history_embedding_output", self.cate_history_embedding ) involved_items = tf.concat( [ tf.reshape(self.iterator.item_history, [-1]), tf.reshape(self.iterator.items, [-1]), ], -1, ) self.involved_items, _ = tf.unique(involved_items) involved_item_embedding = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.item_lookup, ids=self.involved_items ) self.embed_params.append(involved_item_embedding) involved_cates = tf.concat( [ tf.reshape(self.iterator.item_cate_history, [-1]), tf.reshape(self.iterator.cates, [-1]), ], -1, ) self.involved_cates, _ = tf.unique(involved_cates) involved_cate_embedding = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( params=self.cate_lookup, ids=self.involved_cates ) self.embed_params.append(involved_cate_embedding) self.target_item_embedding = tf.concat( [self.item_embedding, self.cate_embedding], -1 ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "target_item_embedding_output", self.target_item_embedding ) def _add_norm(self): """Regularization for embedding variables and other variables.""" all_variables, embed_variables = ( tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables(), tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables( self.sequential_scope._name + "/embedding" ), ) layer_params = list(set(all_variables) - set(embed_variables)) layer_params = [a for a in layer_params if "_no_reg" not in] self.layer_params.extend(layer_params)