Source code for recommenders.models.deeprec.models.sequential.nextitnet

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import tensorflow as tf
from recommenders.models.deeprec.models.sequential.sequential_base_model import (

__all__ = ["NextItNetModel"]

[docs] class NextItNetModel(SequentialBaseModel): """NextItNet Model :Citation: Yuan, Fajie, et al. "A Simple Convolutional Generative Network for Next Item Recommendation", in Web Search and Data Mining, 2019. Note: It requires strong sequence with dataset. """ def _build_seq_graph(self): """The main function to create nextitnet model. Returns: object: The output of nextitnet section. """ hparams = self.hparams is_training = tf.equal(self.is_train_stage, True) item_history_embedding = tf.cond( pred=is_training, true_fn=lambda: self.item_history_embedding[ :: self.hparams.train_num_ngs + 1 ], false_fn=lambda: self.item_history_embedding, ) cate_history_embedding = tf.cond( pred=is_training, true_fn=lambda: self.cate_history_embedding[ :: self.hparams.train_num_ngs + 1 ], false_fn=lambda: self.cate_history_embedding, ) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("nextitnet", reuse=tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE): dilate_input = tf.concat( [item_history_embedding, cate_history_embedding], 2 ) for layer_id, dilation in enumerate(hparams.dilations): dilate_input = tf.cond( pred=is_training, true_fn=lambda: self._nextitnet_residual_block_one( dilate_input, dilation, layer_id, dilate_input.get_shape()[-1], hparams.kernel_size, causal=True, train=True, ), false_fn=lambda: self._nextitnet_residual_block_one( dilate_input, dilation, layer_id, dilate_input.get_shape()[-1], hparams.kernel_size, causal=True, train=False, ), ) self.dilate_input = dilate_input model_output = tf.cond( pred=is_training, true_fn=self._training_output, false_fn=self._normal_output, ) return model_output def _training_output(self): model_output = tf.repeat( self.dilate_input, self.hparams.train_num_ngs + 1, axis=0 ) model_output = tf.concat([model_output, self.target_item_embedding], -1) model_output = tf.reshape( model_output, ( -1, self.hparams.train_num_ngs + 1, self.hparams.max_seq_length, model_output.get_shape()[-1], ), ) model_output = tf.transpose(a=model_output, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3]) model_output = tf.reshape(model_output, (-1, model_output.get_shape()[-1])) return model_output def _normal_output(self): model_output = self.dilate_input[:, -1, :] model_output = tf.concat( [model_output, self.target_item_embedding[:, -1, :]], -1 ) return model_output def _nextitnet_residual_block_one( self, input_, dilation, layer_id, residual_channels, kernel_size, causal=True, train=True, ): """The main function to use dilated CNN and residual network at sequence data Args: input_ (object): The output of history sequential embeddings dilation (int): The dilation number of CNN layer layer_id (str): String value of layer ID, 0, 1, 2... residual_channels (int): Embedding size of input sequence kernel_size (int): Kernel size of CNN mask causal (bool): Whether to pad in front of the sequence or to pad surroundingly train (bool): is in training stage Returns: object: The output of residual layers. """ resblock_type = "decoder" resblock_name = "nextitnet_residual_block_one_{}_layer_{}_{}".format( resblock_type, layer_id, dilation ) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(resblock_name): input_ln = self._layer_norm(input_, name="layer_norm1", trainable=train) relu1 = tf.nn.relu(input_ln) conv1 = self._conv1d( relu1, int(0.5 * int(residual_channels)), name="conv1d_1" ) conv1 = self._layer_norm(conv1, name="layer_norm2", trainable=train) relu2 = tf.nn.relu(conv1) dilated_conv = self._conv1d( relu2, int(0.5 * int(residual_channels)), dilation, kernel_size, causal=causal, name="dilated_conv", ) dilated_conv = self._layer_norm( dilated_conv, name="layer_norm3", trainable=train ) relu3 = tf.nn.relu(dilated_conv) conv2 = self._conv1d(relu3, residual_channels, name="conv1d_2") return input_ + conv2 def _conv1d( self, input_, output_channels, dilation=1, kernel_size=1, causal=False, name="dilated_conv", ): """Call a dilated CNN layer Returns: object: The output of dilated CNN layers. """ with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name): weight = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "weight", [1, kernel_size, input_.get_shape()[-1], output_channels], initializer=tf.compat.v1.truncated_normal_initializer( stddev=0.02, seed=1 ), ) bias = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "bias", [output_channels], initializer=tf.compat.v1.constant_initializer(0.0), ) if causal: padding = [[0, 0], [(kernel_size - 1) * dilation, 0], [0, 0]] padded = tf.pad(tensor=input_, paddings=padding) input_expanded = tf.expand_dims(padded, axis=1) out = ( tf.nn.atrous_conv2d( input_expanded, weight, rate=dilation, padding="VALID" ) + bias ) else: input_expanded = tf.expand_dims(input_, axis=1) out = ( tf.nn.conv2d( input=input_expanded, filters=weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME", ) + bias ) return tf.squeeze(out, [1]) def _layer_norm(self, x, name, epsilon=1e-8, trainable=True): """Call a layer normalization Returns: object: Normalized data """ with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name): shape = x.get_shape() beta = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "beta", [int(shape[-1])], initializer=tf.compat.v1.constant_initializer(0), trainable=trainable, ) gamma = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( "gamma", [int(shape[-1])], initializer=tf.compat.v1.constant_initializer(1), trainable=trainable, ) mean, variance = tf.nn.moments(x=x, axes=[len(shape) - 1], keepdims=True) x = (x - mean) / tf.sqrt(variance + epsilon) return gamma * x + beta