Source code for recommenders.models.deeprec.models.dkn_item2item

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from recommenders.models.deeprec.models.dkn import DKN
from recommenders.models.deeprec.deeprec_utils import cal_metric

This new model adapts DKN's structure for item-to-item recommendations.
The tutorial can be found at:

[docs] class DKNItem2Item(DKN): """Class for item-to-item recommendations using DKN. See""" def _compute_data_loss(self): logits = self.pred data_loss = -1 * tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tf.math.log(logits[:, 0] + 1e-10)) return data_loss def _build_dkn(self): """The main function to create DKN's logic. Returns: object: Prediction of item2item relation scores made by the DKN model, in the shape of (`batch_size`, `num_negative` + 1). """ news_field_embed_final_batch = self._build_doc_embedding( self.iterator.candidate_news_index_batch, self.iterator.candidate_news_entity_index_batch, ) self.news_field_embed_final_batch = tf.math.l2_normalize( news_field_embed_final_batch, axis=-1, epsilon=1e-12 ) item_embs_train = tf.reshape( self.news_field_embed_final_batch, [ -1, self.iterator.neg_num + 2, self.news_field_embed_final_batch.shape[-1], ], ) # (B, group, D) item_embs_source = item_embs_train[:, 0, :] # get the source item item_embs_source = tf.expand_dims(item_embs_source, 1) item_embs_target = item_embs_train[:, 1:, :] item_relation = tf.math.multiply(item_embs_target, item_embs_source) item_relation = tf.reduce_sum( input_tensor=item_relation, axis=-1 ) # (B, neg_num + 1) self.pred_logits = item_relation return self.pred_logits def _get_pred(self, logit, task): return tf.nn.softmax(logit, axis=-1) def _build_doc_embedding(self, candidate_word_batch, candidate_entity_batch): """ To make the document embedding be dense, we add one tanh layer on top of the `kims_cnn` module. """ with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("kcnn", initializer=self.initializer): news_field_embed = self._kims_cnn( candidate_word_batch, candidate_entity_batch, self.hparams ) W = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="W_doc_trans", shape=(news_field_embed.shape[-1], self.num_filters_total), dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=1.0, mode="fan_avg", distribution=("uniform" if False else "truncated_normal"), ), ) if W not in self.layer_params: self.layer_params.append(W) news_field_embed = tf.tanh(tf.matmul(news_field_embed, W)) return news_field_embed
[docs] def eval(self, sess, feed_dict): """Evaluate the data in `feed_dict` with current model. Args: sess (object): The model session object. feed_dict (dict): Feed values for evaluation. This is a dictionary that maps graph elements to values. Returns: numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray: A tuple with predictions and labels arrays. """ feed_dict[self.layer_keeps] = self.keep_prob_test feed_dict[self.is_train_stage] = False preds =, feed_dict=feed_dict) labels = np.zeros_like(preds, dtype=np.int32) labels[:, 0] = 1 return (preds, labels)
[docs] def run_eval(self, filename): """Evaluate the given file and returns some evaluation metrics. Args: filename (str): A file name that will be evaluated. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing evaluation metrics. """ load_sess = self.sess group_preds = [] group_labels = [] for ( batch_data_input, newsid_list, data_size, ) in self.iterator.load_data_from_file(filename): if batch_data_input: step_pred, step_labels = self.eval(load_sess, batch_data_input) group_preds.extend(step_pred) group_labels.extend(step_labels) res = cal_metric(group_labels, group_preds, self.hparams.pairwise_metrics) return res