Source code for recommenders.models.deeprec.models.base_model

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

from os.path import join
import abc
import time
import os
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from recommenders.models.deeprec.deeprec_utils import cal_metric

__all__ = ["BaseModel"]

[docs] class BaseModel: """Base class for models"""
[docs] def __init__(self, hparams, iterator_creator, graph=None, seed=None): """Initializing the model. Create common logics which are needed by all deeprec models, such as loss function, parameter set. Args: hparams (object): An `HParams` object, holds the entire set of hyperparameters. iterator_creator (object): An iterator to load the data. graph (object): An optional graph. seed (int): Random seed. """ self.seed = seed tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) self.graph = graph if graph is not None else tf.Graph() self.iterator = iterator_creator(hparams, self.graph) self.train_num_ngs = ( hparams.train_num_ngs if "train_num_ngs" in hparams.values() else None ) with self.graph.as_default(): self.hparams = hparams self.layer_params = [] self.embed_params = [] self.cross_params = [] self.layer_keeps = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, name="layer_keeps") self.keep_prob_train = None self.keep_prob_test = None self.is_train_stage = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( tf.bool, shape=(), name="is_training" ) = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(), name="group") self.initializer = self._get_initializer() self.logit = self._build_graph() self.pred = self._get_pred(self.logit, self.hparams.method) self.loss = self._get_loss() self.saver = tf.compat.v1.train.Saver(max_to_keep=self.hparams.epochs) self.update = self._build_train_opt() self.extra_update_ops = tf.compat.v1.get_collection( tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS ) self.init_op = tf.compat.v1.global_variables_initializer() self.merged = self._add_summaries() # set GPU use with on demand growth gpu_options = tf.compat.v1.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True) self.sess = tf.compat.v1.Session( graph=self.graph, config=tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) )
@abc.abstractmethod def _build_graph(self): """Subclass will implement this.""" pass def _get_loss(self): """Make loss function, consists of data loss and regularization loss Returns: object: Loss value. """ self.data_loss = self._compute_data_loss() self.regular_loss = self._compute_regular_loss() self.loss = tf.add(self.data_loss, self.regular_loss) return self.loss def _get_pred(self, logit, task): """Make final output as prediction score, according to different tasks. Args: logit (object): Base prediction value. task (str): A task (values: regression/classification) Returns: object: Transformed score. """ if task == "regression": pred = tf.identity(logit) elif task == "classification": pred = tf.sigmoid(logit) else: raise ValueError( "method must be regression or classification, but now is {0}".format( task ) ) pred = tf.identity(pred, name="pred") return pred def _add_summaries(self): tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("data_loss", self.data_loss) tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("regular_loss", self.regular_loss) tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("loss", self.loss) merged = tf.compat.v1.summary.merge_all() return merged def _l2_loss(self): l2_loss = tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float32) # embedding_layer l2 loss for param in self.embed_params: l2_loss = tf.add( l2_loss, tf.multiply(self.hparams.embed_l2, tf.nn.l2_loss(param)) ) params = self.layer_params for param in params: l2_loss = tf.add( l2_loss, tf.multiply(self.hparams.layer_l2, tf.nn.l2_loss(param)) ) return l2_loss def _l1_loss(self): l1_loss = tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float32) # embedding_layer l2 loss for param in self.embed_params: l1_loss = tf.add( l1_loss, tf.multiply(self.hparams.embed_l1, tf.norm(tensor=param, ord=1)), ) params = self.layer_params for param in params: l1_loss = tf.add( l1_loss, tf.multiply(self.hparams.layer_l1, tf.norm(tensor=param, ord=1)), ) return l1_loss def _cross_l_loss(self): """Construct L1-norm and L2-norm on cross network parameters for loss function. Returns: object: Regular loss value on cross network parameters. """ cross_l_loss = tf.zeros([1], dtype=tf.float32) for param in self.cross_params: cross_l_loss = tf.add( cross_l_loss, tf.multiply(self.hparams.cross_l1, tf.norm(tensor=param, ord=1)), ) cross_l_loss = tf.add( cross_l_loss, tf.multiply(self.hparams.cross_l2, tf.norm(tensor=param, ord=2)), ) return cross_l_loss def _get_initializer(self): if self.hparams.init_method == "tnormal": return tf.compat.v1.truncated_normal_initializer( stddev=self.hparams.init_value, seed=self.seed ) elif self.hparams.init_method == "uniform": return tf.compat.v1.random_uniform_initializer( -self.hparams.init_value, self.hparams.init_value, seed=self.seed ) elif self.hparams.init_method == "normal": return tf.compat.v1.random_normal_initializer( stddev=self.hparams.init_value, seed=self.seed ) elif self.hparams.init_method == "xavier_normal": return tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=1.0, mode="fan_avg", distribution=("uniform" if False else "truncated_normal"), seed=self.seed, ) elif self.hparams.init_method == "xavier_uniform": return tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=1.0, mode="fan_avg", distribution=("uniform" if True else "truncated_normal"), seed=self.seed, ) elif self.hparams.init_method == "he_normal": return tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=2.0, mode=("FAN_IN").lower(), distribution=("uniform" if False else "truncated_normal"), seed=self.seed, ) elif self.hparams.init_method == "he_uniform": return tf.compat.v1.keras.initializers.VarianceScaling( scale=2.0, mode=("FAN_IN").lower(), distribution=("uniform" if True else "truncated_normal"), seed=self.seed, ) else: return tf.compat.v1.truncated_normal_initializer( stddev=self.hparams.init_value, seed=self.seed ) def _compute_data_loss(self): if self.hparams.loss == "cross_entropy_loss": data_loss = tf.reduce_mean( input_tensor=tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=tf.reshape(self.logit, [-1]), labels=tf.reshape(self.iterator.labels, [-1]), ) ) elif self.hparams.loss == "square_loss": data_loss = tf.sqrt( tf.reduce_mean( input_tensor=tf.math.squared_difference( tf.reshape(self.pred, [-1]), tf.reshape(self.iterator.labels, [-1]), ) ) ) elif self.hparams.loss == "log_loss": data_loss = tf.reduce_mean( input_tensor=tf.compat.v1.losses.log_loss( predictions=tf.reshape(self.pred, [-1]), labels=tf.reshape(self.iterator.labels, [-1]), ) ) elif self.hparams.loss == "softmax": group = self.train_num_ngs + 1 logits = tf.reshape(self.logit, (-1, group)) if self.hparams.model_type == "NextItNet": labels = ( tf.transpose( a=tf.reshape( self.iterator.labels, (-1, group, self.hparams.max_seq_length), ), perm=[0, 2, 1], ), ) labels = tf.reshape(labels, (-1, group)) else: labels = tf.reshape(self.iterator.labels, (-1, group)) softmax_pred = tf.nn.softmax(logits, axis=-1) boolean_mask = tf.equal(labels, tf.ones_like(labels)) mask_paddings = tf.ones_like(softmax_pred) pos_softmax = tf.compat.v1.where(boolean_mask, softmax_pred, mask_paddings) data_loss = -group * tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor=tf.math.log(pos_softmax)) else: raise ValueError("this loss not defined {0}".format(self.hparams.loss)) return data_loss def _compute_regular_loss(self): """Construct regular loss. Usually it's comprised of l1 and l2 norm. Users can designate which norm to be included via config file. Returns: object: Regular loss. """ regular_loss = self._l2_loss() + self._l1_loss() + self._cross_l_loss() return tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=regular_loss) def _train_opt(self): """Get the optimizer according to configuration. Usually we will use Adam. Returns: object: An optimizer. """ lr = self.hparams.learning_rate optimizer = self.hparams.optimizer if optimizer == "adadelta": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.AdadeltaOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "adagrad": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.AdagradOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "sgd": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "adam": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "ftrl": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.FtrlOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "gd": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "padagrad": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.ProximalAdagradOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "pgd": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer(lr) elif optimizer == "rmsprop": train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr) else: train_step = tf.compat.v1.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(lr) return train_step def _build_train_opt(self): """Construct gradient descent based optimization step In this step, we provide gradient clipping option. Sometimes we what to clip the gradients when their absolute values are too large to avoid gradient explosion. Returns: object: An operation that applies the specified optimization step. """ train_step = self._train_opt() gradients, variables = zip(*train_step.compute_gradients(self.loss)) if self.hparams.is_clip_norm: gradients = [ None if gradient is None else tf.clip_by_norm(gradient, self.hparams.max_grad_norm) for gradient in gradients ] return train_step.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, variables)) def _active_layer(self, logit, activation, layer_idx=-1): """Transform the input value with an activation. May use dropout. Args: logit (object): Input value. activation (str): A string indicating the type of activation function. layer_idx (int): Index of current layer. Used to retrieve corresponding parameters Returns: object: A tensor after applying activation function on logit. """ if layer_idx >= 0 and self.hparams.user_dropout: logit = self._dropout(logit, self.layer_keeps[layer_idx]) return self._activate(logit, activation) def _activate(self, logit, activation): if activation == "sigmoid": return tf.nn.sigmoid(logit) elif activation == "softmax": return tf.nn.softmax(logit) elif activation == "relu": return tf.nn.relu(logit) elif activation == "tanh": return tf.nn.tanh(logit) elif activation == "elu": return tf.nn.elu(logit) elif activation == "identity": return tf.identity(logit) else: raise ValueError("this activations not defined {0}".format(activation)) def _dropout(self, logit, keep_prob): """Apply drops upon the input value. Args: logit (object): The input value. keep_prob (float): The probability of keeping each element. Returns: object: A tensor of the same shape of logit. """ return tf.nn.dropout(x=logit, rate=1 - (keep_prob))
[docs] def train(self, sess, feed_dict): """Go through the optimization step once with training data in `feed_dict`. Args: sess (object): The model session object. feed_dict (dict): Feed values to train the model. This is a dictionary that maps graph elements to values. Returns: list: A list of values, including update operation, total loss, data loss, and merged summary. """ feed_dict[self.layer_keeps] = self.keep_prob_train feed_dict[self.is_train_stage] = True return [ self.update, self.extra_update_ops, self.loss, self.data_loss, self.merged, ], feed_dict=feed_dict, )
[docs] def eval(self, sess, feed_dict): """Evaluate the data in `feed_dict` with current model. Args: sess (object): The model session object. feed_dict (dict): Feed values for evaluation. This is a dictionary that maps graph elements to values. Returns: list: A list of evaluated results, including total loss value, data loss value, predicted scores, and ground-truth labels. """ feed_dict[self.layer_keeps] = self.keep_prob_test feed_dict[self.is_train_stage] = False return[self.pred, self.iterator.labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)
[docs] def infer(self, sess, feed_dict): """Given feature data (in `feed_dict`), get predicted scores with current model. Args: sess (object): The model session object. feed_dict (dict): Instances to predict. This is a dictionary that maps graph elements to values. Returns: list: Predicted scores for the given instances. """ feed_dict[self.layer_keeps] = self.keep_prob_test feed_dict[self.is_train_stage] = False return[self.pred], feed_dict=feed_dict)
[docs] def load_model(self, model_path=None): """Load an existing model. Args: model_path: model path. Raises: IOError: if the restore operation failed. """ act_path = self.hparams.load_saved_model if model_path is not None: act_path = model_path try: self.saver.restore(self.sess, act_path) except Exception: raise IOError("Failed to find any matching files for {0}".format(act_path))
[docs] def fit(self, train_file, valid_file, test_file=None): """Fit the model with `train_file`. Evaluate the model on valid_file per epoch to observe the training status. If `test_file` is not None, evaluate it too. Args: train_file (str): training data set. valid_file (str): validation set. test_file (str): test set. Returns: object: An instance of self. """ if self.hparams.write_tfevents: self.writer = tf.compat.v1.summary.FileWriter( self.hparams.SUMMARIES_DIR, self.sess.graph ) train_sess = self.sess for epoch in range(1, self.hparams.epochs + 1): step = 0 self.hparams.current_epoch = epoch epoch_loss = 0 train_start = time.time() for ( batch_data_input, impression, data_size, ) in self.iterator.load_data_from_file(train_file): step_result = self.train(train_sess, batch_data_input) (_, _, step_loss, step_data_loss, summary) = step_result if self.hparams.write_tfevents: self.writer.add_summary(summary, step) epoch_loss += step_loss step += 1 if step % self.hparams.show_step == 0: print( "step {0:d} , total_loss: {1:.4f}, data_loss: {2:.4f}".format( step, step_loss, step_data_loss ) ) train_end = time.time() train_time = train_end - train_start if self.hparams.save_model: if not os.path.exists(self.hparams.MODEL_DIR): os.makedirs(self.hparams.MODEL_DIR) if epoch % self.hparams.save_epoch == 0: save_path_str = join(self.hparams.MODEL_DIR, "epoch_" + str(epoch)), save_path=save_path_str) eval_start = time.time() eval_res = self.run_eval(valid_file) train_info = ",".join( [ str(item[0]) + ":" + str(item[1]) for item in [("logloss loss", epoch_loss / step)] ] ) eval_info = ", ".join( [ str(item[0]) + ":" + str(item[1]) for item in sorted(eval_res.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) ] ) if test_file is not None: test_res = self.run_eval(test_file) test_info = ", ".join( [ str(item[0]) + ":" + str(item[1]) for item in sorted(test_res.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) ] ) eval_end = time.time() eval_time = eval_end - eval_start if test_file is not None: print( "at epoch {0:d}".format(epoch) + "\ntrain info: " + train_info + "\neval info: " + eval_info + "\ntest info: " + test_info ) else: print( "at epoch {0:d}".format(epoch) + "\ntrain info: " + train_info + "\neval info: " + eval_info ) print( "at epoch {0:d} , train time: {1:.1f} eval time: {2:.1f}".format( epoch, train_time, eval_time ) ) if self.hparams.write_tfevents: self.writer.close() return self
[docs] def group_labels(self, labels, preds, group_keys): """Devide `labels` and `preds` into several group according to values in group keys. Args: labels (list): ground truth label list. preds (list): prediction score list. group_keys (list): group key list. Returns: list, list: - Labels after group. - Predictions after group. """ all_keys = list(set(group_keys)) group_labels = {k: [] for k in all_keys} group_preds = {k: [] for k in all_keys} for label, p, k in zip(labels, preds, group_keys): group_labels[k].append(label) group_preds[k].append(p) all_labels = [] all_preds = [] for k in all_keys: all_labels.append(group_labels[k]) all_preds.append(group_preds[k]) return all_labels, all_preds
[docs] def run_eval(self, filename): """Evaluate the given file and returns some evaluation metrics. Args: filename (str): A file name that will be evaluated. Returns: dict: A dictionary that contains evaluation metrics. """ load_sess = self.sess preds = [] labels = [] imp_indexs = [] for batch_data_input, imp_index, data_size in self.iterator.load_data_from_file( filename ): step_pred, step_labels = self.eval(load_sess, batch_data_input) preds.extend(np.reshape(step_pred, -1)) labels.extend(np.reshape(step_labels, -1)) imp_indexs.extend(np.reshape(imp_index, -1)) res = cal_metric(labels, preds, self.hparams.metrics) if "pairwise_metrics" in self.hparams.values(): group_labels, group_preds = self.group_labels(labels, preds, imp_indexs) res_pairwise = cal_metric( group_labels, group_preds, self.hparams.pairwise_metrics ) res.update(res_pairwise) return res
[docs] def predict(self, infile_name, outfile_name): """Make predictions on the given data, and output predicted scores to a file. Args: infile_name (str): Input file name, format is same as train/val/test file. outfile_name (str): Output file name, each line is the predict score. Returns: object: An instance of self. """ load_sess = self.sess with, "w") as wt: for batch_data_input, _, data_size in self.iterator.load_data_from_file( infile_name ): step_pred = self.infer(load_sess, batch_data_input) step_pred = step_pred[0][:data_size] step_pred = np.reshape(step_pred, -1) wt.write("\n".join(map(str, step_pred))) # line break after each batch. wt.write("\n") return self
def _attention(self, inputs, attention_size): """Soft alignment attention implement. Args: inputs (object): Sequences ready to apply attention. attention_size (int): The dimension of attention operation. Returns: object: Weighted sum after attention. """ hidden_size = inputs.shape[2] if not attention_size: attention_size = hidden_size attention_mat = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="attention_mat", shape=[inputs.shape[-1], hidden_size], initializer=self.initializer, ) att_inputs = tf.tensordot(inputs, attention_mat, [[2], [0]]) query = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="query", shape=[attention_size], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=self.initializer, ) att_logits = tf.tensordot(att_inputs, query, axes=1, name="att_logits") att_weights = tf.nn.softmax(att_logits, name="att_weights") output = inputs * tf.expand_dims(att_weights, -1) return output def _fcn_net(self, model_output, layer_sizes, scope): """Construct the MLP part for the model. Args: model_output (object): The output of upper layers, input of MLP part layer_sizes (list): The shape of each layer of MLP part scope (object): The scope of MLP part Returns: object: Prediction logit after fully connected layer. """ hparams = self.hparams with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(scope): last_layer_size = model_output.shape[-1] layer_idx = 0 hidden_nn_layers = [] hidden_nn_layers.append(model_output) with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope( "nn_part", initializer=self.initializer ) as scope: for idx, layer_size in enumerate(layer_sizes): curr_w_nn_layer = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="w_nn_layer" + str(layer_idx), shape=[last_layer_size, layer_size], dtype=tf.float32, ) curr_b_nn_layer = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="b_nn_layer" + str(layer_idx), shape=[layer_size], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.compat.v1.zeros_initializer(), ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "nn_part/" + "w_nn_layer" + str(layer_idx), curr_w_nn_layer ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "nn_part/" + "b_nn_layer" + str(layer_idx), curr_b_nn_layer ) curr_hidden_nn_layer = ( tf.tensordot( hidden_nn_layers[layer_idx], curr_w_nn_layer, axes=1 ) + curr_b_nn_layer ) scope = "nn_part" + str(idx) activation = hparams.activation[idx] if hparams.enable_BN is True: curr_hidden_nn_layer = tf.compat.v1.layers.batch_normalization( curr_hidden_nn_layer, momentum=0.95, epsilon=0.0001, training=self.is_train_stage, ) curr_hidden_nn_layer = self._active_layer( logit=curr_hidden_nn_layer, activation=activation, layer_idx=idx ) hidden_nn_layers.append(curr_hidden_nn_layer) layer_idx += 1 last_layer_size = layer_size w_nn_output = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="w_nn_output", shape=[last_layer_size, 1], dtype=tf.float32 ) b_nn_output = tf.compat.v1.get_variable( name="b_nn_output", shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.compat.v1.zeros_initializer(), ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "nn_part/" + "w_nn_output" + str(layer_idx), w_nn_output ) tf.compat.v1.summary.histogram( "nn_part/" + "b_nn_output" + str(layer_idx), b_nn_output ) nn_output = ( tf.tensordot(hidden_nn_layers[-1], w_nn_output, axes=1) + b_nn_output ) self.logit = nn_output return nn_output