Source code for recommenders.evaluation.python_evaluation

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from functools import wraps
from sklearn.metrics import (

from recommenders.utils.constants import (
from recommenders.datasets.pandas_df_utils import (

[docs] class ColumnMismatchError(Exception): """Exception raised when there is a mismatch in columns. This exception is raised when an operation involving columns encounters a mismatch or inconsistency. Attributes: message (str): Explanation of the error. """ pass
[docs] class ColumnTypeMismatchError(Exception): """Exception raised when there is a mismatch in column types. This exception is raised when an operation involving column types encounters a mismatch or inconsistency. Attributes: message (str): Explanation of the error. """ pass
def _check_column_dtypes(func): """Checks columns of DataFrame inputs This includes the checks on: * whether the input columns exist in the input DataFrames * whether the data types of col_user as well as col_item are matched in the two input DataFrames. Args: func (function): function that will be wrapped Returns: function: Wrapper function for checking dtypes. """ @wraps(func) def check_column_dtypes_wrapper( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, *args, **kwargs, ): """Check columns of DataFrame inputs Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction """ # Some ranking metrics don't have the rating column, so we don't need to check. expected_true_columns = {col_user, col_item} if "col_rating" in kwargs: expected_true_columns.add(kwargs["col_rating"]) if not has_columns(rating_true, expected_true_columns): raise ColumnMismatchError("Missing columns in true rating DataFrame") if not has_columns(rating_pred, {col_user, col_item, col_prediction}): raise ColumnMismatchError("Missing columns in predicted rating DataFrame") if not has_same_base_dtype( rating_true, rating_pred, columns=[col_user, col_item] ): raise ColumnTypeMismatchError( "Columns in provided DataFrames are not the same datatype" ) return func( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, *args, **kwargs, ) return check_column_dtypes_wrapper
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Join truth and prediction data frames on userID and itemID and return the true and predicted rated with the correct index. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array with the true ratings numpy.ndarray: Array with the predicted ratings """ # pd.merge will apply suffixes to columns which have the same name across both dataframes suffixes = ["_true", "_pred"] rating_true_pred = pd.merge( rating_true, rating_pred, on=[col_user, col_item], suffixes=suffixes ) if col_rating in rating_pred.columns: col_rating = col_rating + suffixes[0] if col_prediction in rating_true.columns: col_prediction = col_prediction + suffixes[1] return rating_true_pred[col_rating], rating_true_pred[col_prediction]
[docs] def rmse( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Calculate Root Mean Squared Error Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: float: Root mean squared error """ y_true, y_pred = merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_rating=col_rating, col_prediction=col_prediction, ) return np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred))
[docs] def mae( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Calculate Mean Absolute Error. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: float: Mean Absolute Error. """ y_true, y_pred = merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_rating=col_rating, col_prediction=col_prediction, ) return mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
[docs] def rsquared( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Calculate R squared Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: float: R squared (min=0, max=1). """ y_true, y_pred = merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_rating=col_rating, col_prediction=col_prediction, ) return r2_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs] def exp_var( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Calculate explained variance. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data. There should be no duplicate (userID, itemID) pairs col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: float: Explained variance (min=0, max=1). """ y_true, y_pred = merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_rating=col_rating, col_prediction=col_prediction, ) return explained_variance_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs] def auc( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Calculate the Area-Under-Curve metric for implicit feedback typed recommender, where rating is binary and prediction is float number ranging from 0 to 1. Note: The evaluation does not require a leave-one-out scenario. This metric does not calculate group-based AUC which considers the AUC scores averaged across users. It is also not limited to k. Instead, it calculates the scores on the entire prediction results regardless the users. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: float: auc_score (min=0, max=1) """ y_true, y_pred = merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_rating=col_rating, col_prediction=col_prediction, ) return roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs] def logloss( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, ): """Calculate the logloss metric for implicit feedback typed recommender, where rating is binary and prediction is float number ranging from 0 to 1. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True data rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted data col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction Returns: float: log_loss_score (min=-inf, max=inf) """ y_true, y_pred = merge_rating_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_rating=col_rating, col_prediction=col_prediction, ) return log_loss(y_true, y_pred)
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def merge_ranking_true_pred( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user, col_item, col_prediction, relevancy_method, k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, **_, ): """Filter truth and prediction data frames on common users Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user (optional) threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) Returns: pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame, int: DataFrame of recommendation hits, sorted by `col_user` and `rank` DataFrame of hit counts vs actual relevant items per user number of unique user ids """ # Make sure the prediction and true data frames have the same set of users common_users = set(rating_true[col_user]).intersection(set(rating_pred[col_user])) rating_true_common = rating_true[rating_true[col_user].isin(common_users)] rating_pred_common = rating_pred[rating_pred[col_user].isin(common_users)] n_users = len(common_users) # Return hit items in prediction data frame with ranking information. This is used for calculating NDCG and MAP. # Use first to generate unique ranking values for each item. This is to align with the implementation in # Spark evaluation metrics, where index of each recommended items (the indices are unique to items) is used # to calculate penalized precision of the ordered items. if relevancy_method == "top_k": top_k = k elif relevancy_method == "by_threshold": top_k = threshold elif relevancy_method is None: top_k = None else: raise NotImplementedError("Invalid relevancy_method") df_hit = get_top_k_items( dataframe=rating_pred_common, col_user=col_user, col_rating=col_prediction, k=top_k, ) df_hit = pd.merge(df_hit, rating_true_common, on=[col_user, col_item])[ [col_user, col_item, "rank"] ] # count the number of hits vs actual relevant items per user df_hit_count = pd.merge( df_hit.groupby(col_user, as_index=False)[col_user].agg({"hit": "count"}), rating_true_common.groupby(col_user, as_index=False)[col_user].agg( {"actual": "count"} ), on=col_user, ) return df_hit, df_hit_count, n_users
[docs] def precision_at_k( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, **_, ): """Precision at K. Note: We use the same formula to calculate precision@k as that in Spark. More details can be found at In particular, the maximum achievable precision may be < 1, if the number of items for a user in rating_pred is less than k. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) Returns: float: precision at k (min=0, max=1) """ df_hit, df_hit_count, n_users = merge_ranking_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_hit.shape[0] == 0: return 0.0 return (df_hit_count["hit"] / k).sum() / n_users
[docs] def recall_at_k( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, **_, ): """Recall at K. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) Returns: float: recall at k (min=0, max=1). The maximum value is 1 even when fewer than k items exist for a user in rating_true. """ df_hit, df_hit_count, n_users = merge_ranking_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_hit.shape[0] == 0: return 0.0 return (df_hit_count["hit"] / df_hit_count["actual"]).sum() / n_users
[docs] def r_precision_at_k( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, **_, ): """R-precision at K. R-precision can be defined as the precision@R for each user, where R is the numer of relevant items for the query. Its also equivalent to the recall at the R-th position. Note: As R can be high, in this case, the k indicates the maximum possible R. If every user has more than k true items, then r-precision@k is equal to precision@k. You might need to raise the k value to get meaningful results. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) Returns: float: recall at k (min=0, max=1). The maximum value is 1 even when fewer than k items exist for a user in rating_true. """ df_hit, df_hit_count, n_users = merge_ranking_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_hit.shape[0] == 0: return 0.0 df_merged = df_hit.merge(df_hit_count[[col_user, 'actual']]) df_merged = df_merged[df_merged['rank'] <= df_merged['actual']] return (df_merged.groupby(col_user).size() / df_hit_count.set_index(col_user)['actual']).mean()
[docs] def ndcg_at_k( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, score_type="binary", discfun_type="loge", **_, ): """Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG). Info: Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_rating (str): column name for rating col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) score_type (str): type of relevance scores ['binary', 'raw', 'exp']. With the default option 'binary', the relevance score is reduced to either 1 (hit) or 0 (miss). Option 'raw' uses the raw relevance score. Option 'exp' uses (2 ** RAW_RELEVANCE - 1) as the relevance score discfun_type (str): type of discount function ['loge', 'log2'] used to calculate DCG. Returns: float: nDCG at k (min=0, max=1). """ df_hit, _, _ = merge_ranking_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_hit.shape[0] == 0: return 0.0 df_dcg = df_hit.merge(rating_pred, on=[col_user, col_item]).merge( rating_true, on=[col_user, col_item], how="outer", suffixes=("_left", None) ) if score_type == "binary": df_dcg["rel"] = 1 elif score_type == "raw": df_dcg["rel"] = df_dcg[col_rating] elif score_type == "exp": df_dcg["rel"] = 2 ** df_dcg[col_rating] - 1 else: raise ValueError("score_type must be one of 'binary', 'raw', 'exp'") if discfun_type == "loge": discfun = np.log elif discfun_type == "log2": discfun = np.log2 else: raise ValueError("discfun_type must be one of 'loge', 'log2'") # Calculate the actual discounted gain for each record df_dcg["dcg"] = df_dcg["rel"] / discfun(1 + df_dcg["rank"]) # Calculate the ideal discounted gain for each record df_idcg = df_dcg.sort_values([col_user, col_rating], ascending=False) df_idcg["irank"] = df_idcg.groupby(col_user, as_index=False, sort=False)[ col_rating ].rank("first", ascending=False) df_idcg["idcg"] = df_idcg["rel"] / discfun(1 + df_idcg["irank"]) # Calculate the actual DCG for each user df_user = df_dcg.groupby(col_user, as_index=False, sort=False).agg({"dcg": "sum"}) # Calculate the ideal DCG for each user df_user = df_user.merge( df_idcg.groupby(col_user, as_index=False, sort=False) .head(k) .groupby(col_user, as_index=False, sort=False) .agg({"idcg": "sum"}), on=col_user, ) # DCG over IDCG is the normalized DCG df_user["ndcg"] = df_user["dcg"] / df_user["idcg"] return df_user["ndcg"].mean()
@lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def _get_reciprocal_rank( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, ): df_hit, df_hit_count, n_users = merge_ranking_true_pred( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_hit.shape[0] == 0: return None, n_users # calculate reciprocal rank of items for each user and sum them up df_hit_sorted = df_hit.copy() df_hit_sorted["rr"] = ( df_hit_sorted.groupby(col_user).cumcount() + 1 ) / df_hit_sorted["rank"] df_hit_sorted = df_hit_sorted.groupby(col_user).agg({"rr": "sum"}).reset_index() return pd.merge(df_hit_sorted, df_hit_count, on=col_user), n_users
[docs] def map( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, **_, ): """Mean Average Precision for top k prediction items The implementation of MAP is referenced from Spark MLlib evaluation metrics. A good reference can be found at: Note: The MAP is meant to calculate Avg. Precision for the relevant items, so it is normalized by the number of relevant items in the ground truth data, instead of k. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) Returns: float: MAP (min=0, max=1) """ df_merge, n_users = _get_reciprocal_rank( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_merge is None: return 0.0 else: return (df_merge["rr"] / df_merge["actual"]).sum() / n_users
[docs] def map_at_k( rating_true, rating_pred, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_prediction=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_COL, relevancy_method="top_k", k=DEFAULT_K, threshold=DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, **_, ): """Mean Average Precision at k The implementation of MAP@k is referenced from Spark MLlib evaluation metrics. Args: rating_true (pandas.DataFrame): True DataFrame rating_pred (pandas.DataFrame): Predicted DataFrame col_user (str): column name for user col_item (str): column name for item col_prediction (str): column name for prediction relevancy_method (str): method for determining relevancy ['top_k', 'by_threshold', None]. None means that the top k items are directly provided, so there is no need to compute the relevancy operation. k (int): number of top k items per user threshold (float): threshold of top items per user (optional) Returns: float: MAP@k (min=0, max=1) """ df_merge, n_users = _get_reciprocal_rank( rating_true=rating_true, rating_pred=rating_pred, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_prediction=col_prediction, relevancy_method=relevancy_method, k=k, threshold=threshold, ) if df_merge is None: return 0.0 else: return ( df_merge["rr"] / df_merge["actual"].apply(lambda x: min(x, k)) ).sum() / n_users
[docs] def get_top_k_items( dataframe, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_rating=DEFAULT_RATING_COL, k=DEFAULT_K ): """Get the input customer-item-rating tuple in the format of Pandas DataFrame, output a Pandas DataFrame in the dense format of top k items for each user. Note: If it is implicit rating, just append a column of constants to be ratings. Args: dataframe (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame of rating data (in the format customerID-itemID-rating) col_user (str): column name for user col_rating (str): column name for rating k (int or None): number of items for each user; None means that the input has already been filtered out top k items and sorted by ratings and there is no need to do that again. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame of top k items for each user, sorted by `col_user` and `rank` """ # Sort dataframe by col_user and (top k) col_rating if k is None: top_k_items = dataframe else: top_k_items = ( dataframe.sort_values([col_user, col_rating], ascending=[True, False]) .groupby(col_user, as_index=False) .head(k) .reset_index(drop=True) ) # Add ranks top_k_items["rank"] = top_k_items.groupby(col_user, sort=False).cumcount() + 1 return top_k_items
"""Function name and function mapper. Useful when we have to serialize evaluation metric names and call the functions based on deserialized names""" metrics = { rmse.__name__: rmse, mae.__name__: mae, rsquared.__name__: rsquared, exp_var.__name__: exp_var, precision_at_k.__name__: precision_at_k, recall_at_k.__name__: recall_at_k, r_precision_at_k.__name__: r_precision_at_k, ndcg_at_k.__name__: ndcg_at_k, map_at_k.__name__: map_at_k, map.__name__: map, } # diversity metrics def _check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity(func): """Checks columns of DataFrame inputs This includes the checks on: * whether the input columns exist in the input DataFrames * whether the data types of col_user as well as col_item are matched in the two input DataFrames. * whether reco_df contains any user_item pairs that are already shown in train_df * check relevance column in reco_df * check column names in item_feature_df Args: func (function): function that will be wrapped Returns: function: Wrapper function for checking dtypes. """ @wraps(func) def check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity_wrapper( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, col_relevance=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """Check columns of DataFrame inputs Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. item_feature_df (pandas.DataFrame): (Optional) It is required only when item_sim_measure='item_feature_vector'. It contains two columns: col_item and features (a feature vector). item_sim_measure (str): (Optional) This column indicates which item similarity measure to be used. Available measures include item_cooccurrence_count (default choice) and item_feature_vector. col_item_features (str): item feature column name. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. col_sim (str): This column indicates the column name for item similarity. col_relevance (str): This column indicates whether the recommended item is actually relevant to the user or not. """ if not has_columns(train_df, [col_user, col_item]): raise ValueError("Missing columns in train_df DataFrame") if not has_columns(reco_df, [col_user, col_item]): raise ValueError("Missing columns in reco_df DataFrame") if not has_same_base_dtype(train_df, reco_df, columns=[col_user, col_item]): raise ValueError("Columns in provided DataFrames are not the same datatype") if col_relevance is None: col_relevance = DEFAULT_RELEVANCE_COL # relevance term, default is 1 (relevant) for all reco_df = reco_df[[col_user, col_item]] reco_df[col_relevance] = 1.0 else: col_relevance = col_relevance reco_df = reco_df[[col_user, col_item, col_relevance]].astype( {col_relevance: np.float16} ) if item_sim_measure == "item_feature_vector": required_columns = [col_item, col_item_features] if item_feature_df is not None: if not has_columns(item_feature_df, required_columns): raise ValueError("Missing columns in item_feature_df DataFrame") else: raise Exception( "item_feature_df not specified! item_feature_df must be provided " "if choosing to use item_feature_vector to calculate item similarity. " "item_feature_df should have columns: " + str(required_columns) ) # check if reco_df contains any user_item pairs that are already shown in train_df count_intersection = pd.merge( train_df, reco_df, how="inner", on=[col_user, col_item] ).shape[0] if count_intersection != 0: raise Exception( "reco_df should not contain any user_item pairs that are already shown in train_df" ) return func( train_df=train_df, reco_df=reco_df, item_feature_df=item_feature_df, item_sim_measure=item_sim_measure, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, col_sim=col_sim, col_relevance=col_relevance, *args, **kwargs, ) return check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity_wrapper def _check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage(func): """Checks columns of DataFrame inputs This includes the checks on: * whether the input columns exist in the input DataFrames * whether the data types of col_user as well as col_item are matched in the two input DataFrames. * whether reco_df contains any user_item pairs that are already shown in train_df Args: func (function): function that will be wrapped Returns: function: Wrapper function for checking dtypes. """ @wraps(func) def check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage_wrapper( train_df, reco_df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, *args, **kwargs, ): """Check columns of DataFrame inputs Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. Interaction here follows the *item choice model* from Castells et al. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. """ if not has_columns(train_df, [col_user, col_item]): raise ValueError("Missing columns in train_df DataFrame") if not has_columns(reco_df, [col_user, col_item]): raise ValueError("Missing columns in reco_df DataFrame") if not has_same_base_dtype(train_df, reco_df, columns=[col_user, col_item]): raise ValueError("Columns in provided DataFrames are not the same datatype") count_intersection = pd.merge( train_df, reco_df, how="inner", on=[col_user, col_item] ).shape[0] if count_intersection != 0: raise Exception( "reco_df should not contain any user_item pairs that are already shown in train_df" ) return func( train_df=train_df, reco_df=reco_df, col_user=col_user, col_item=col_item, *args, **kwargs, ) return check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage_wrapper @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def _get_pairwise_items( df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, ): """Get pairwise combinations of items per user (ignoring duplicate pairs [1,2] == [2,1])""" df_user_i1 = df[[col_user, col_item]] df_user_i1.columns = [col_user, "i1"] df_user_i2 = df[[col_user, col_item]] df_user_i2.columns = [col_user, "i2"] df_user_i1_i2 = pd.merge(df_user_i1, df_user_i2, how="inner", on=[col_user]) df_pairwise_items = df_user_i1_i2[(df_user_i1_i2["i1"] <= df_user_i1_i2["i2"])][ [col_user, "i1", "i2"] ].reset_index(drop=True) return df_pairwise_items @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def _get_cosine_similarity( train_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, ): if item_sim_measure == "item_cooccurrence_count": # calculate item-item similarity based on item co-occurrence count df_cosine_similarity = _get_cooccurrence_similarity( train_df, col_user, col_item, col_sim ) elif item_sim_measure == "item_feature_vector": # calculdf_cosine_similarity = ate item-item similarity based on item feature vectors df_cosine_similarity = _get_item_feature_similarity( item_feature_df, col_item_features, col_user, col_item ) else: raise Exception( "item_sim_measure not recognized! The available options include 'item_cooccurrence_count' and 'item_feature_vector'." ) return df_cosine_similarity @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def _get_cooccurrence_similarity( train_df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, ): """Cosine similarity metric from :Citation: Y.C. Zhang, D.Ó. Séaghdha, D. Quercia and T. Jambor, Auralist: introducing serendipity into music recommendation, WSDM 2012 The item indexes in the result are such that i1 <= i2. """ pairs = _get_pairwise_items(train_df, col_user, col_item) pairs_count = pd.DataFrame( {"count": pairs.groupby(["i1", "i2"]).size()} ).reset_index() item_count = pd.DataFrame( {"count": train_df.groupby([col_item]).size()} ).reset_index() item_count["item_sqrt_count"] = item_count["count"] ** 0.5 item_co_occur = pairs_count.merge( item_count[[col_item, "item_sqrt_count"]], left_on=["i1"], right_on=[col_item], ).drop(columns=[col_item]) item_co_occur.columns = ["i1", "i2", "count", "i1_sqrt_count"] item_co_occur = item_co_occur.merge( item_count[[col_item, "item_sqrt_count"]], left_on=["i2"], right_on=[col_item], ).drop(columns=[col_item]) item_co_occur.columns = [ "i1", "i2", "count", "i1_sqrt_count", "i2_sqrt_count", ] item_co_occur[col_sim] = item_co_occur["count"] / ( item_co_occur["i1_sqrt_count"] * item_co_occur["i2_sqrt_count"] ) df_cosine_similarity = ( item_co_occur[["i1", "i2", col_sim]] .sort_values(["i1", "i2"]) .reset_index(drop=True) ) return df_cosine_similarity @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def _get_item_feature_similarity( item_feature_df, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, ): """Cosine similarity metric based on item feature vectors The item indexes in the result are such that i1 <= i2. """ df1 = item_feature_df[[col_item, col_item_features]] df1.columns = ["i1", "f1"] df1["key"] = 0 df2 = item_feature_df[[col_item, col_item_features]] df2.columns = ["i2", "f2"] df2["key"] = 0 df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on="key", how="outer").drop("key", axis=1) df_item_feature_pair = df[(df["i1"] <= df["i2"])].reset_index(drop=True) df_item_feature_pair[col_sim] = df_item_feature_pair.apply( lambda x: float( / float(np.linalg.norm(x.f1, 2) * np.linalg.norm(x.f2, 2)), axis=1, ) df_cosine_similarity = df_item_feature_pair[["i1", "i2", col_sim]].sort_values( ["i1", "i2"] ) return df_cosine_similarity # Diversity metrics @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def _get_intralist_similarity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, ): """Intra-list similarity from :Citation: "Improving Recommendation Lists Through Topic Diversification", Ziegler, McNee, Konstan and Lausen, 2005. """ pairs = _get_pairwise_items(reco_df, col_user, col_item) similarity_df = _get_cosine_similarity( train_df, item_feature_df, item_sim_measure, col_item_features, col_user, col_item, col_sim, ) # Fillna(0) is needed in the cases where similarity_df does not have an entry for a pair of items. # e.g. i1 and i2 have never occurred together. item_pair_sim = pairs.merge(similarity_df, on=["i1", "i2"], how="left") item_pair_sim[col_sim].fillna(0, inplace=True) item_pair_sim = item_pair_sim.loc[ item_pair_sim["i1"] != item_pair_sim["i2"] ].reset_index(drop=True) df_intralist_similarity = ( item_pair_sim.groupby([col_user]).agg({col_sim: "mean"}).reset_index() ) df_intralist_similarity.columns = [col_user, "avg_il_sim"] return df_intralist_similarity
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def user_diversity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, col_relevance=None, ): """Calculate average diversity of recommendations for each user. The metric definition is based on formula (3) in the following reference: :Citation: Y.C. Zhang, D.Ó. Séaghdha, D. Quercia and T. Jambor, Auralist: introducing serendipity into music recommendation, WSDM 2012 Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. item_feature_df (pandas.DataFrame): (Optional) It is required only when item_sim_measure='item_feature_vector'. It contains two columns: col_item and features (a feature vector). item_sim_measure (str): (Optional) This column indicates which item similarity measure to be used. Available measures include item_cooccurrence_count (default choice) and item_feature_vector. col_item_features (str): item feature column name. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. col_sim (str): This column indicates the column name for item similarity. col_relevance (str): This column indicates whether the recommended item is actually relevant to the user or not. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe with the following columns: col_user, user_diversity. """ df_intralist_similarity = _get_intralist_similarity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df, item_sim_measure, col_item_features, col_user, col_item, col_sim, ) df_user_diversity = df_intralist_similarity df_user_diversity["user_diversity"] = 1 - df_user_diversity["avg_il_sim"] df_user_diversity = ( df_user_diversity[[col_user, "user_diversity"]] .sort_values(col_user) .reset_index(drop=True) ) return df_user_diversity
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity def diversity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, col_relevance=None, ): """Calculate average diversity of recommendations across all users. Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. item_feature_df (pandas.DataFrame): (Optional) It is required only when item_sim_measure='item_feature_vector'. It contains two columns: col_item and features (a feature vector). item_sim_measure (str): (Optional) This column indicates which item similarity measure to be used. Available measures include item_cooccurrence_count (default choice) and item_feature_vector. col_item_features (str): item feature column name. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. col_sim (str): This column indicates the column name for item similarity. col_relevance (str): This column indicates whether the recommended item is actually relevant to the user or not. Returns: float: diversity. """ df_user_diversity = user_diversity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df, item_sim_measure, col_item_features, col_user, col_item, col_sim, ) avg_diversity = df_user_diversity.agg({"user_diversity": "mean"})[0] return avg_diversity
# Novelty metrics
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def historical_item_novelty( train_df, reco_df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, ): """Calculate novelty for each item. Novelty is computed as the minus logarithm of (number of interactions with item / total number of interactions). The definition of the metric is based on the following reference using the choice model (eqs. 1 and 6): :Citation: P. Castells, S. Vargas, and J. Wang, Novelty and diversity metrics for recommender systems: choice, discovery and relevance, ECIR 2011 The novelty of an item can be defined relative to a set of observed events on the set of all items. These can be events of user choice (item "is picked" by a random user) or user discovery (item "is known" to a random user). The above definition of novelty reflects a factor of item popularity. High novelty values correspond to long-tail items in the density function, that few users have interacted with and low novelty values correspond to popular head items. Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. Interaction here follows the *item choice model* from Castells et al. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe with the following columns: col_item, item_novelty. """ n_records = train_df.shape[0] item_count = pd.DataFrame( {"count": train_df.groupby([col_item]).size()} ).reset_index() item_count["item_novelty"] = -np.log2(item_count["count"] / n_records) df_item_novelty = ( item_count[[col_item, "item_novelty"]] .sort_values(col_item) .reset_index(drop=True) ) return df_item_novelty
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage def novelty(train_df, reco_df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL): """Calculate the average novelty in a list of recommended items (this assumes that the recommendation list is already computed). Follows section 5 from :Citation: P. Castells, S. Vargas, and J. Wang, Novelty and diversity metrics for recommender systems: choice, discovery and relevance, ECIR 2011 Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. Interaction here follows the *item choice model* from Castells et al. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. Returns: float: novelty. """ df_item_novelty = historical_item_novelty(train_df, reco_df, col_user, col_item) n_recommendations = reco_df.shape[0] reco_item_count = pd.DataFrame( {"count": reco_df.groupby([col_item]).size()} ).reset_index() reco_item_novelty = reco_item_count.merge(df_item_novelty, on=col_item) reco_item_novelty["product"] = ( reco_item_novelty["count"] * reco_item_novelty["item_novelty"] ) avg_novelty = reco_item_novelty.agg({"product": "sum"})[0] / n_recommendations return avg_novelty
# Serendipity metrics
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) def user_item_serendipity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, col_relevance=None, ): """Calculate serendipity of each item in the recommendations for each user. The metric definition is based on the following references: :Citation: Y.C. Zhang, D.Ó. Séaghdha, D. Quercia and T. Jambor, Auralist: introducing serendipity into music recommendation, WSDM 2012 Eugene Yan, Serendipity: Accuracy’s unpopular best friend in Recommender Systems,, April 2020 Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. item_feature_df (pandas.DataFrame): (Optional) It is required only when item_sim_measure='item_feature_vector'. It contains two columns: col_item and features (a feature vector). item_sim_measure (str): (Optional) This column indicates which item similarity measure to be used. Available measures include item_cooccurrence_count (default choice) and item_feature_vector. col_item_features (str): item feature column name. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. col_sim (str): This column indicates the column name for item similarity. col_relevance (str): This column indicates whether the recommended item is actually relevant to the user or not. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe with columns: col_user, col_item, user_item_serendipity. """ # for every col_user, col_item in reco_df, join all interacted items from train_df. # These interacted items are repeated for each item in reco_df for a specific user. df_cosine_similarity = _get_cosine_similarity( train_df, item_feature_df, item_sim_measure, col_item_features, col_user, col_item, col_sim, ) reco_user_item = reco_df[[col_user, col_item]] reco_user_item["reco_item_tmp"] = reco_user_item[col_item] train_user_item = train_df[[col_user, col_item]] train_user_item.columns = [col_user, "train_item_tmp"] reco_train_user_item = reco_user_item.merge(train_user_item, on=[col_user]) reco_train_user_item["i1"] = reco_train_user_item[ ["reco_item_tmp", "train_item_tmp"] ].min(axis=1) reco_train_user_item["i2"] = reco_train_user_item[ ["reco_item_tmp", "train_item_tmp"] ].max(axis=1) reco_train_user_item_sim = reco_train_user_item.merge( df_cosine_similarity, on=["i1", "i2"], how="left" ) reco_train_user_item_sim[col_sim].fillna(0, inplace=True) reco_user_item_avg_sim = ( reco_train_user_item_sim.groupby([col_user, col_item]) .agg({col_sim: "mean"}) .reset_index() ) reco_user_item_avg_sim.columns = [ col_user, col_item, "avg_item2interactedHistory_sim", ] df_user_item_serendipity = reco_user_item_avg_sim.merge( reco_df, on=[col_user, col_item] ) df_user_item_serendipity["user_item_serendipity"] = ( 1 - df_user_item_serendipity["avg_item2interactedHistory_sim"] ) * df_user_item_serendipity[col_relevance] df_user_item_serendipity = ( df_user_item_serendipity[[col_user, col_item, "user_item_serendipity"]] .sort_values([col_user, col_item]) .reset_index(drop=True) ) return df_user_item_serendipity
[docs] @lru_cache_df(maxsize=1) @_check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity def user_serendipity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, col_relevance=None, ): """Calculate average serendipity for each user's recommendations. Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. item_feature_df (pandas.DataFrame): (Optional) It is required only when item_sim_measure='item_feature_vector'. It contains two columns: col_item and features (a feature vector). item_sim_measure (str): (Optional) This column indicates which item similarity measure to be used. Available measures include item_cooccurrence_count (default choice) and item_feature_vector. col_item_features (str): item feature column name. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. col_sim (str): This column indicates the column name for item similarity. col_relevance (str): This column indicates whether the recommended item is actually relevant to the user or not. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A dataframe with following columns: col_user, user_serendipity. """ df_user_item_serendipity = user_item_serendipity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df, item_sim_measure, col_item_features, col_user, col_item, col_sim, col_relevance, ) df_user_serendipity = ( df_user_item_serendipity.groupby(col_user) .agg({"user_item_serendipity": "mean"}) .reset_index() ) df_user_serendipity.columns = [col_user, "user_serendipity"] df_user_serendipity = df_user_serendipity.sort_values(col_user).reset_index( drop=True ) return df_user_serendipity
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_diversity_serendipity def serendipity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df=None, item_sim_measure=DEFAULT_ITEM_SIM_MEASURE, col_item_features=DEFAULT_ITEM_FEATURES_COL, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL, col_sim=DEFAULT_SIMILARITY_COL, col_relevance=None, ): """Calculate average serendipity for recommendations across all users. Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. item_feature_df (pandas.DataFrame): (Optional) It is required only when item_sim_measure='item_feature_vector'. It contains two columns: col_item and features (a feature vector). item_sim_measure (str): (Optional) This column indicates which item similarity measure to be used. Available measures include item_cooccurrence_count (default choice) and item_feature_vector. col_item_features (str): item feature column name. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. col_sim (str): This column indicates the column name for item similarity. col_relevance (str): This column indicates whether the recommended item is actually relevant to the user or not. Returns: float: serendipity. """ df_user_serendipity = user_serendipity( train_df, reco_df, item_feature_df, item_sim_measure, col_item_features, col_user, col_item, col_sim, col_relevance, ) avg_serendipity = df_user_serendipity.agg({"user_serendipity": "mean"})[0] return avg_serendipity
# Coverage metrics
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage def catalog_coverage( train_df, reco_df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL ): """Calculate catalog coverage for recommendations across all users. The metric definition is based on the "catalog coverage" definition in the following reference: :Citation: G. Shani and A. Gunawardana, Evaluating Recommendation Systems, Recommender Systems Handbook pp. 257-297, 2010. Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. Interaction here follows the *item choice model* from Castells et al. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. Returns: float: catalog coverage """ # distinct item count in reco_df count_distinct_item_reco = reco_df[col_item].nunique() # distinct item count in train_df count_distinct_item_train = train_df[col_item].nunique() # catalog coverage c_coverage = count_distinct_item_reco / count_distinct_item_train return c_coverage
[docs] @_check_column_dtypes_novelty_coverage def distributional_coverage( train_df, reco_df, col_user=DEFAULT_USER_COL, col_item=DEFAULT_ITEM_COL ): """Calculate distributional coverage for recommendations across all users. The metric definition is based on formula (21) in the following reference: :Citation: G. Shani and A. Gunawardana, Evaluating Recommendation Systems, Recommender Systems Handbook pp. 257-297, 2010. Args: train_df (pandas.DataFrame): Data set with historical data for users and items they have interacted with; contains col_user, col_item. Assumed to not contain any duplicate rows. Interaction here follows the *item choice model* from Castells et al. reco_df (pandas.DataFrame): Recommender's prediction output, containing col_user, col_item, col_relevance (optional). Assumed to not contain any duplicate user-item pairs. col_user (str): User id column name. col_item (str): Item id column name. Returns: float: distributional coverage """ # In reco_df, how many times each col_item is being recommended df_itemcnt_reco = pd.DataFrame( {"count": reco_df.groupby([col_item]).size()} ).reset_index() # the number of total recommendations count_row_reco = reco_df.shape[0] df_entropy = df_itemcnt_reco df_entropy["p(i)"] = df_entropy["count"] / count_row_reco df_entropy["entropy(i)"] = df_entropy["p(i)"] * np.log2(df_entropy["p(i)"]) d_coverage = -df_entropy.agg({"entropy(i)": "sum"})[0] return d_coverage