Source code for recommenders.datasets.wikidata

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import pandas as pd
import requests
import logging
from retrying import retry

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def get_session(session=None): """Get session object Args: session (requests.Session): request session object Returns: requests.Session: request session object """ if session is None: global SESSION if SESSION is None: SESSION = requests.Session() session = SESSION return session
[docs] @retry(wait_random_min=1000, wait_random_max=5000, stop_max_attempt_number=5) def find_wikidata_id(name, limit=1, session=None): """Find the entity ID in wikidata from a title string. Args: name (str): A string with search terms (eg. "Batman (1989) film") limit (int): Number of results to return session (requests.Session): requests session to reuse connections Returns: str: wikidata entityID corresponding to the title string. 'entityNotFound' will be returned if no page is found """ session = get_session(session=session) params = dict( action="query", list="search", srsearch=bytes(name, encoding="utf8"), srlimit=limit, srprop="", format="json", ) try: response = session.get(API_URL_WIKIPEDIA, params=params) page_id = response.json()["query"]["search"][0]["pageid"] except Exception: # TODO: distinguish between connection error and entity not found logger.warning("ENTITY NOT FOUND") return "entityNotFound" params = dict( action="query", prop="pageprops", ppprop="wikibase_item", pageids=[page_id], format="json", ) try: response = session.get(API_URL_WIKIPEDIA, params=params) entity_id = response.json()["query"]["pages"][str(page_id)]["pageprops"][ "wikibase_item" ] except Exception: # TODO: distinguish between connection error and entity not found logger.warning("ENTITY NOT FOUND") return "entityNotFound" return entity_id
[docs] def read_linked_entities(data): """Obtain lists of liken entities (IDs and names) from dictionary Args: data (json): dictionary with linked pages Returns: list, list: - List of liked entityIDs. - List of liked entity names. """ return [ ( c.get("valUrl").get("value").replace("", ""), c.get("valLabel").get("value"), ) for c in data.get("results", {}).get("bindings", []) ]
[docs] @retry(wait_random_min=1000, wait_random_max=5000, stop_max_attempt_number=5) def query_entity_description(entity_id, session=None): """Query entity wikidata description from entityID Args: entity_id (str): A wikidata page ID. session (requests.Session): requests session to reuse connections Returns: str: Wikidata short description of the entityID descriptionNotFound' will be returned if no description is found """ query = ( """ PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX schema: <> SELECT ?o WHERE { wd:""" + entity_id + """ schema:description ?o. FILTER ( lang(?o) = "en" ) } """ ) session = get_session(session=session) try: r = session.get(API_URL_WIKIDATA, params=dict(query=query, format="json")) description = r.json()["results"]["bindings"][0]["o"]["value"] except Exception as e: # noqa: F841 logger.warning("DESCRIPTION NOT FOUND") return "descriptionNotFound" return description
[docs] def search_wikidata(names, extras=None, describe=True, verbose=False): """Create DataFrame of Wikidata search results Args: names (list[str]): List of names to search for extras (dict(str: list)): Optional extra items to assign to results for corresponding name describe (bool): Optional flag to include description of entity verbose (bool): Optional flag to print out intermediate data Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Wikipedia results for all names with found entities """ results = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): entity_id = find_wikidata_id(name) if verbose: print("name: {name}, entity_id: {id}".format(name=name, id=entity_id)) if entity_id == "entityNotFound": continue json_links = query_entity_links(entity_id) related_links = read_linked_entities(json_links) description = query_entity_description(entity_id) if describe else "" for related_entity, related_name in related_links: result = dict( name=name, original_entity=entity_id, linked_entities=related_entity, name_linked_entities=related_name, ) if describe: result["description"] = description if extras is not None: for field, lst in extras.items(): result[field] = lst[idx] results.append(result) return pd.DataFrame(results)