Source code for recommenders.datasets.mind

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import os
import random
import logging
import json
import numpy as np
import re
from tqdm import tqdm
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer

from recommenders.datasets.download_utils import (



logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs] def download_mind(size="small", dest_path=None): """Download MIND dataset Args: size (str): Dataset size. One of ["small", "large"] dest_path (str): Download path. If path is None, it will download the dataset on a temporal path Returns: str, str: Path to train and validation sets. """ size_options = ["small", "large", "demo"] if size not in size_options: raise ValueError(f"Wrong size option, available options are {size_options}") url_train, url_valid = URL_MIND[size] with download_path(dest_path) as path: train_path = maybe_download(url=url_train, work_directory=path) valid_path = maybe_download(url=url_valid, work_directory=path) return train_path, valid_path
[docs] def extract_mind( train_zip, valid_zip, train_folder="train", valid_folder="valid", clean_zip_file=True, ): """Extract MIND dataset Args: train_zip (str): Path to train zip file valid_zip (str): Path to valid zip file train_folder (str): Destination forder for train set valid_folder (str): Destination forder for validation set Returns: str, str: Train and validation folders """ root_folder = os.path.basename(train_zip) train_path = os.path.join(root_folder, train_folder) valid_path = os.path.join(root_folder, valid_folder) unzip_file(train_zip, train_path, clean_zip_file=clean_zip_file) unzip_file(valid_zip, valid_path, clean_zip_file=clean_zip_file) return train_path, valid_path
[docs] def read_clickhistory(path, filename): """Read click history file Args: path (str): Folder path filename (str): Filename Returns: list, dict: - A list of user session with user_id, clicks, positive and negative interactions. - A dictionary with user_id click history. """ userid_history = {} with open(os.path.join(path, filename)) as f: lines = f.readlines() sessions = [] for i in range(len(lines)): _, userid, imp_time, click, imps = lines[i].strip().split("\t") clicks = click.split(" ") pos = [] neg = [] imps = imps.split(" ") for imp in imps: if imp.split("-")[1] == "1": pos.append(imp.split("-")[0]) else: neg.append(imp.split("-")[0]) userid_history[userid] = clicks sessions.append([userid, clicks, pos, neg]) return sessions, userid_history
def _newsample(nnn, ratio): if ratio > len(nnn): return random.sample(nnn * (ratio // len(nnn) + 1), ratio) else: return random.sample(nnn, ratio)
[docs] def get_train_input(session, train_file_path, npratio=4): """Generate train file. Args: session (list): List of user session with user_id, clicks, positive and negative interactions. train_file_path (str): Path to file. npration (int): Ratio for negative sampling. """ fp_train = open(train_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") for sess_id in range(len(session)): sess = session[sess_id] userid, _, poss, negs = sess for i in range(len(poss)): pos = poss[i] neg = _newsample(negs, npratio) fp_train.write("1 " + "train_" + userid + " " + pos + "\n") for neg_ins in neg: fp_train.write("0 " + "train_" + userid + " " + neg_ins + "\n") fp_train.close() if os.path.isfile(train_file_path):"Train file {train_file_path} successfully generated") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Error when generating {train_file_path}")
[docs] def get_valid_input(session, valid_file_path): """Generate validation file. Args: session (list): List of user session with user_id, clicks, positive and negative interactions. valid_file_path (str): Path to file. """ fp_valid = open(valid_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") for sess_id in range(len(session)): userid, _, poss, negs = session[sess_id] for i in range(len(poss)): fp_valid.write( "1 " + "valid_" + userid + " " + poss[i] + "%" + str(sess_id) + "\n" ) for i in range(len(negs)): fp_valid.write( "0 " + "valid_" + userid + " " + negs[i] + "%" + str(sess_id) + "\n" ) fp_valid.close() if os.path.isfile(valid_file_path):"Validation file {valid_file_path} successfully generated") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Error when generating {valid_file_path}")
[docs] def get_user_history(train_history, valid_history, user_history_path): """Generate user history file. Args: train_history (list): Train history. valid_history (list): Validation history user_history_path (str): Path to file. """ fp_user_history = open(user_history_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") for userid in train_history: fp_user_history.write( "train_" + userid + " " + ",".join(train_history[userid]) + "\n" ) for userid in valid_history: fp_user_history.write( "valid_" + userid + " " + ",".join(valid_history[userid]) + "\n" ) fp_user_history.close() if os.path.isfile(user_history_path):"User history file {user_history_path} successfully generated") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Error when generating {user_history_path}")
def _read_news(filepath, news_words, news_entities, tokenizer): with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: splitted = line.strip("\n").split("\t") news_words[splitted[0]] = tokenizer.tokenize(splitted[3].lower()) news_entities[splitted[0]] = [] for entity in json.loads(splitted[6]): news_entities[splitted[0]].append( (entity["SurfaceForms"], entity["WikidataId"]) ) return news_words, news_entities
[docs] def get_words_and_entities(train_news, valid_news): """Load words and entities Args: train_news (str): News train file. valid_news (str): News validation file. Returns: dict, dict: Words and entities dictionaries. """ news_words = {} news_entities = {} tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r"\w+") news_words, news_entities = _read_news( train_news, news_words, news_entities, tokenizer ) news_words, news_entities = _read_news( valid_news, news_words, news_entities, tokenizer ) return news_words, news_entities
[docs] def download_and_extract_glove(dest_path): """Download and extract the Glove embedding Args: dest_path (str): Destination directory path for the downloaded file Returns: str: File path where Glove was extracted. """ # url = "" url = "" filepath = maybe_download(url=url, work_directory=dest_path) glove_path = os.path.join(dest_path, "glove") unzip_file(filepath, glove_path, clean_zip_file=False) return glove_path
[docs] def generate_embeddings( data_path, news_words, news_entities, train_entities, valid_entities, max_sentence=10, word_embedding_dim=100, ): """Generate embeddings. Args: data_path (str): Data path. news_words (dict): News word dictionary. news_entities (dict): News entity dictionary. train_entities (str): Train entity file. valid_entities (str): Validation entity file. max_sentence (int): Max sentence size. word_embedding_dim (int): Word embedding dimension. Returns: str, str, str: File paths to news, word and entity embeddings. """ embedding_dimensions = [50, 100, 200, 300] if word_embedding_dim not in embedding_dimensions: raise ValueError( f"Wrong embedding dimension, available options are {embedding_dimensions}" )"Downloading glove...") glove_path = download_and_extract_glove(data_path) word_set = set() word_embedding_dict = {} entity_embedding_dict = {}"Loading glove with embedding dimension {word_embedding_dim}...") glove_file = "glove.6B." + str(word_embedding_dim) + "d.txt" fp_pretrain_vec = open(os.path.join(glove_path, glove_file), "r", encoding="utf-8") for line in fp_pretrain_vec: linesplit = line.split(" ") word_set.add(linesplit[0]) word_embedding_dict[linesplit[0]] = np.asarray(list(map(float, linesplit[1:]))) fp_pretrain_vec.close()"Reading train entities...") fp_entity_vec_train = open(train_entities, "r", encoding="utf-8") for line in fp_entity_vec_train: linesplit = line.split() entity_embedding_dict[linesplit[0]] = np.asarray( list(map(float, linesplit[1:])) ) fp_entity_vec_train.close()"Reading valid entities...") fp_entity_vec_valid = open(valid_entities, "r", encoding="utf-8") for line in fp_entity_vec_valid: linesplit = line.split() entity_embedding_dict[linesplit[0]] = np.asarray( list(map(float, linesplit[1:])) ) fp_entity_vec_valid.close()"Generating word and entity indexes...") word_dict = {} word_index = 1 news_word_string_dict = {} news_entity_string_dict = {} entity2index = {} entity_index = 1 for doc_id in news_words: news_word_string_dict[doc_id] = [0 for n in range(max_sentence)] news_entity_string_dict[doc_id] = [0 for n in range(max_sentence)] surfaceform_entityids = news_entities[doc_id] for item in surfaceform_entityids: if item[1] not in entity2index and item[1] in entity_embedding_dict: entity2index[item[1]] = entity_index entity_index = entity_index + 1 for i in range(len(news_words[doc_id])): if news_words[doc_id][i] in word_embedding_dict: if news_words[doc_id][i] not in word_dict: word_dict[news_words[doc_id][i]] = word_index word_index = word_index + 1 news_word_string_dict[doc_id][i] = word_dict[news_words[doc_id][i]] else: news_word_string_dict[doc_id][i] = word_dict[news_words[doc_id][i]] for item in surfaceform_entityids: for surface in item[0]: for surface_word in surface.split(" "): if news_words[doc_id][i] == surface_word.lower(): if item[1] in entity_embedding_dict: news_entity_string_dict[doc_id][i] = entity2index[ item[1] ] if i == max_sentence - 1: break"Generating word embeddings...") word_embeddings = np.zeros([word_index, word_embedding_dim]) for word in word_dict: word_embeddings[word_dict[word]] = word_embedding_dict[word]"Generating entity embeddings...") entity_embeddings = np.zeros([entity_index, word_embedding_dim]) for entity in entity2index: entity_embeddings[entity2index[entity]] = entity_embedding_dict[entity] news_feature_path = os.path.join(data_path, "doc_feature.txt")"Saving word and entity features in {news_feature_path}") fp_doc_string = open(news_feature_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") for doc_id in news_word_string_dict: fp_doc_string.write( doc_id + " " + ",".join(list(map(str, news_word_string_dict[doc_id]))) + " " + ",".join(list(map(str, news_entity_string_dict[doc_id]))) + "\n" ) word_embeddings_path = os.path.join( data_path, "word_embeddings_5w_" + str(word_embedding_dim) + ".npy" )"Saving word embeddings in {word_embeddings_path}"), word_embeddings) entity_embeddings_path = os.path.join( data_path, "entity_embeddings_5w_" + str(word_embedding_dim) + ".npy" )"Saving word embeddings in {entity_embeddings_path}"), entity_embeddings) return news_feature_path, word_embeddings_path, entity_embeddings_path
[docs] def load_glove_matrix(path_emb, word_dict, word_embedding_dim): """Load pretrained embedding metrics of words in word_dict Args: path_emb (string): Folder path of downloaded glove file word_dict (dict): word dictionary word_embedding_dim: dimention of word embedding vectors Returns: numpy.ndarray, list: pretrained word embedding metrics, words can be found in glove files """ embedding_matrix = np.zeros((len(word_dict) + 1, word_embedding_dim)) exist_word = [] with open(os.path.join(path_emb, f"glove.6B.{word_embedding_dim}d.txt"), "rb") as f: for l in tqdm(f): # noqa: E741 ambiguous variable name 'l' l = l.split() # noqa: E741 ambiguous variable name 'l' word = l[0].decode() if len(word) != 0: if word in word_dict: wordvec = [float(x) for x in l[1:]] index = word_dict[word] embedding_matrix[index] = np.array(wordvec) exist_word.append(word) return embedding_matrix, exist_word
[docs] def word_tokenize(sent): """Tokenize a sententence Args: sent: the sentence need to be tokenized Returns: list: words in the sentence """ # treat consecutive words or special punctuation as words pat = re.compile(r"[\w]+|[.,!?;|]") if isinstance(sent, str): return pat.findall(sent.lower()) else: return []