Source code for recommenders.datasets.download_utils

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import os
import logging
import requests
import math
import zipfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from tqdm import tqdm
from retrying import retry

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @retry(wait_random_min=1000, wait_random_max=5000, stop_max_attempt_number=5) def maybe_download(url, filename=None, work_directory=".", expected_bytes=None): """Download a file if it is not already downloaded. Args: filename (str): File name. work_directory (str): Working directory. url (str): URL of the file to download. expected_bytes (int): Expected file size in bytes. Returns: str: File path of the file downloaded. """ if filename is None: filename = url.split("/")[-1] os.makedirs(work_directory, exist_ok=True) filepath = os.path.join(work_directory, filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code == 200:"Downloading {url}") total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 num_iterables = math.ceil(total_size / block_size) with open(filepath, "wb") as file: for data in tqdm( r.iter_content(block_size), total=num_iterables, unit="KB", unit_scale=True, ): file.write(data) else: log.error(f"Problem downloading {url}") r.raise_for_status() else:"File {filepath} already downloaded") if expected_bytes is not None: statinfo = os.stat(filepath) if statinfo.st_size != expected_bytes: os.remove(filepath) raise IOError(f"Failed to verify {filepath}") return filepath
[docs] @contextmanager def download_path(path=None): """Return a path to download data. If `path=None`, then it yields a temporal path that is eventually deleted, otherwise the real path of the input. Args: path (str): Path to download data. Returns: str: Real path where the data is stored. Examples: >>> with download_path() as path: >>> ... maybe_download(url="", work_directory=path) """ if path is None: tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory() try: yield finally: tmp_dir.cleanup() else: path = os.path.realpath(path) yield path
[docs] def unzip_file(zip_src, dst_dir, clean_zip_file=False): """Unzip a file Args: zip_src (str): Zip file. dst_dir (str): Destination folder. clean_zip_file (bool): Whether or not to clean the zip file. """ fz = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_src, "r") for file in fz.namelist(): fz.extract(file, dst_dir) if clean_zip_file: os.remove(zip_src)